Why is Nunes always threatening’? Just DO IT! – IOTW Report

Why is Nunes always threatening’? Just DO IT!

DC: The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is threatening legal action against the Department of Justice and FBI for what he says is a failure to comply with a subpoena for documents related to the investigation of the Trump campaign.

In a letter sent Wednesday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, California Rep. Devin Nunes, the Intel Committee chairman, said he is giving the FBI and Justice Department until April 11 to provide the documents.

“Be advised that failure to comply in a satisfactory manner will result in the Committee pursuing all appropriate legal remedies, including seeking civil enforcement of the August 24 subpoenas in federal district court,” he wrote in the letter, which was obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

One of the documents Nunes seeks is an FBI record known as an Electronic Communication (EC) which laid out the bureau’s rationale for opening the counterintelligence investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives. Nunes is also demanding copies of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants taken out against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. read more

15 Comments on Why is Nunes always threatening’? Just DO IT!

  1. Haha! Yeah, I caught that same thing when I first read the article. It’s incredibly frustrating!

    And in the article about Secy Carson/HUD and his cooperation w/POTUS, I also detected many hesitant words like “try” and “possible” and the phrase “supposed to (work)”. Arggg!! The Bible says to say what you mean and mean what you say. Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no.” Just how many more votes and elections must we suffer before these people do our will?!

  2. Once I heard Trey Gowdy defending Meuller, it dawned on me that these Congressional investigations are a dog and pony show designed to string the public along and make them think that something is actually going to be done about corruption in DC. Facts are that if they were going to do something, they have more than enough evidence now to do it. They’re never going after the deep state. Hillary and Obama will get away with their crimes. It’s all bullshit. Nunes isn’t going to do a fucking thing.

  3. If you took a rocket halfway to the moon, and each day thereafter, you traveled half the remaining distance to the moon, you’d never get to the moon. Don’t know what made me think of that.

  4. who has the authority the power to arrest FBI and DOJ?

    My bet is the sheriff if he has the guts.

    Though the FBI will clear themselves and declare they were just careless with the FISA warrant.

  5. Nunes should have sent the memo to Meuller, it looks like he’s running the dog and pony show.
    Have McCONnell carry the memo to Meuller with his pants around his ankles…. he’s used to bending over for democrats.

  6. RADIO
    lfetist/progressives Replublican, true. Conservative Republicans FALSE.
    Ask Air Traffic controller after Ronnie said, “You break the law you have no job!”!
    Which is why America needs an honest, decent conservative party!

  7. Congress is useless. When have its lengthy investigations or hearings yielded anything but pontificating and posturing. Not to mention mixed agendas and “questioning” that is more about speech-making than answer-getting.

    Why aren’t they issuing enforceable subpoenas as a matter of standard routine policy. And then immediately enforcing failures to comply. (Because their hearings are not about accomplishing anything of investigative value.) And never mind that all they can do even with the best of intentions is to muck up a real current or future investigation or prosecution.

    Even worse, many of those sitting on these Congressional committees are lawyers. They know better. Really. They should stop with the investigations pretenses and just go to work doing something productive, such as passing, amending, or repealing laws — rather than publicly campaigning.


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