Lewandowski To House Intel: ‘I’m Not Answering Your F***ing Questions’ – IOTW Report

Lewandowski To House Intel: ‘I’m Not Answering Your F***ing Questions’

DC: Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reportedly told the House Intelligence Committee in his latest interview that he was done answering their “fucking questions.”

Lewandowski was the final witness in the committee’s probe into Russian interference, and appeared in front of the committee for the second time last month.

During his first interview in March, Lewandowski reportedly refused to answer questions related to things that happened after he left the campaign in June of 2016. His latest appearance seemed to be more of the same, as he reportedly swore at Democrats and told them he would only answer “relevant” questions. READ MORE

12 Comments on Lewandowski To House Intel: ‘I’m Not Answering Your F***ing Questions’

  1. I’m surprised the committee didn’t interview Michelle Fields re the sexual assault and attempted murder charges. BTW, where is Michelle these days?

  2. And still what is deal with Mark Warner making 6.75mil from deal with russia in 2o12 Yandex deal? Not a word from committee…. And that jackass is still after Trump.


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