There’s a reason I call Kamala Obama in a Pantsuit – IOTW Report

There’s a reason I call Kamala Obama in a Pantsuit

Patriot Retort: I’m going to go on record saying that I detest Kamala Harris.

And, apparently, it’s also okay if I tell you that if I was stuck in an elevator with her, I’d be the only one to come out alive.

Oh, har-har-hardee-har!!!!

Isn’t that just hill-air, Ellen?

Don’t you want to set down your note cards to give me a round of applause?

Listen, there’s a reason I refer to Kamala as Obama in Pantsuit.

She’s a bitter, hateful extremist with a false veneer of charm.

Like Obama, Kamala is an empty-suit and a lightweight.

The one difference between them is Kamala slept her way to the top.

I don’t think Obama did that. Unless there’s something about Bill Ayers you haven’t told me.

Like Obama, Kamala doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. But she’s oh-so good and burping out Leftist-approved talking points.

And, of course, Hollywood looooves her too.

On yesterday’s Ellen Show, we learned one more way Kamala is Obama in a Pantsuit.

She’s allowed to get away with saying truly nasty things while a suck-up TV host applauds sycophantically.

From Breitbart:

During a rapid fire question “vetting,” host Ellen DeGeneres asked, “If you had to be stuck on an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”


18 Comments on There’s a reason I call Kamala Obama in a Pantsuit

  1. Will someone PLEASE explain to me how being a member of about 13% of the US population and constantly expressing one’s racial hatred of and murderous intent toward whites serves her and her “bruthuhs ‘n’ sistuhs” well? Especially when yo bruthuhs ‘n’sistuhs commit over 50% of the felony crimes an’ 80+% of the murders in the US?” (See Bureau Of Justice Statistics, DOJ reports)

    I’m just an old white guy and I just don’t understand.

  2. I fail to see a possibility here. We still have too much a of bad taste left in our mouths from the last social experiment with the first black female president.

  3. “Bruthuhs ‘n sistuhs”, eh? Look closely at that bitch and tell me she doesn’t have a lot of white blood in her! Another phony just like Obamanation.

  4. Da Mayor’s Mistress…

    But I have to say, the line “She’s a bitter, hateful extremist with a false veneer of charm.” is spot on. We need to work on that kind of word-smithing.


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