The Return of NY’s Little Climber: Juanita Perez Williams – IOTW Report

The Return of NY’s Little Climber: Juanita Perez Williams

Patriot Retort: If you are a regular reader to Patriot Retort, you may recall my writing about the Syracuse Mayoral race back in November.

Radical far-Left Democrat Juanita Perez Williams lost in a landslide against Independent candidate – and now Mayor – Ben Walsh.

Perez Williams believed she was a shoe-in because Syracuse is, as I like to say, so blue it looks oxygen-deprived.

Toward the end of the race, the Democrats knew they were in trouble. National figures like Joe Biden and Kirsten Gillibrand were solicited to come to Syracuse and campaign for Perez Williams.

It didn’t matter.

She lost by 16 points.

Afterward, my brother asked me, “Do you think we’ve heard the last of her?”

Of course not, I told him. My guess at the time was she would run against Republican Congressman John Katko in 2018.

The way I explained it to Mark is Juanita Perez Williams is our own Kamala Harris – an empty suit radical Leftist and political climber. There is no way she won’t run against Katko.

I was certain of it.

So imagine my surprise when several weeks ago, the area Democrat Party selected Syracuse University Professor Dana Balter to challenge Katko in November.

I was stunned. How could I be so damn wrong?! Honestly, I really thought Juanita – being the little climber that she is – would throw her Che-hat in the ring.

Guess what?

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) stuck their nose in NY District 24 and defied local Democrats by urging Perez Williams to challenge Balter in the June Democrat primary.

Local Democrat officials are furious.  MORE

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