Nolte: Kevin Williamson’s ‘Atlantic’ Firing Should Wake Up #NeverTrump (But It Won’t) – IOTW Report

Nolte: Kevin Williamson’s ‘Atlantic’ Firing Should Wake Up #NeverTrump (But It Won’t)

Breitbart: My God, NeverTrumpers are dumb. What did these narcissistic stupes think, that they could sellout just a wee bit, just enough to retain a small part of their balls, and the Social Justice Mob would welcome them with open arms? Did Kevin Williamson actually believe that his contempt for Trump and his voters (who “deserve to die“) would be enough?

In order to chase after “prestige” at the left-wing Atlantic, this genius Williamson quit his job at National Review and then found himself fired after writing exactly one essay. Worse still, Williamson was shown the door even after using his introduction essay to prove his fealty to his new Masters by trashing his former employer and one of its few remaining decent writers (most National Review-ers are now like Williamson — disguising every column as a plea for a job at a “respectable” publication).

Williamson was fired over his swaggering desire to see women who have abortions “hanged.” The quotes, which were dug up by Williamson’s new establishment  colleagues at Media Matters, are typical of Williamson: boastfully thoughtless trolling from a man who frequently confuses his “incoherent and cruel” (hat tip: Victor Davis Hanson) prose with Hemmingway-esque strut.

Obviously, such a belief is a heresy against the left-wing sacrament of abortion. Additionally, it piles on the unpardonable sin of making left-wing women feel bad about their lifestyles (and in the era of #MeToo, instead of fighting back with more free speech, and as if to prove they really are the weaker sex, left-wing women now jump on a chair to scream “mouse” and demand to be saved).

Banishment, Scarlet Letters, promising to fill the gaping egos of soft-bellied conservatives… Let me explain to the self-absorbed tribe of NeverTrump  how the establishment media operates, how it has always operated….  READ MORE

4 Comments on Nolte: Kevin Williamson’s ‘Atlantic’ Firing Should Wake Up #NeverTrump (But It Won’t)

  1. I’ve been banned from commenting at the Right Poop, well, for ever. I still visit there because quite honestly they cover breaking news better than just about anybody. This morning that piece of shit Sooper Mex had a headline up all about “poor me, Trumpsters hate me, and I’m SO misunderstood. I’m JUST a conservative trying to make my way through the world with that piece of shit Trump as President”. What ever. That asshole has insulated his little world. I’m probably not that smart but I sure would like to exchange words with that Commie Fag.

  2. With the opening line, “My God, NeverTrumpers are dumb.”

    The author could have stopped right there. His bottom line was clear and his point was spot on.


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