Ignorance: The Greatest Threat to Black Americans – IOTW Report

Ignorance: The Greatest Threat to Black Americans

American Thinker> Turning 65, my relative is about to retire from her job as a Baltimore City transit bus-driver. She said she is extremely tired of having to deal with black people with entitlement mindsets. Self-preservation has taught her not to argue with thugs boarding her bus, refusing to pay the fare.

Upon asking a gentleman to pay his bus fare, he exploded in anger, ranting about how a black man can’t catch a break in this f****** country. He excoriated my relative for being a black woman unwilling to give a black man a break.

My relative wisely kept silent as not to escalate the situation. She angrily retorted in her brain, “A black man needs to work! Why do you think someone owes you something? I do not like to work. But work is what I must do to enjoy the life I live — my home, car and etc. It is called being a responsible adult, doing what one has to do.”

A black female passenger joined the black man’s attack on my bus-driver relative, “Excuse me, ‘Miss Privileged’, not everyone is fortunate like you to be able to afford bus fare.” My frustrated relative silently kept driving.

As the weird Republican of our family, I took the occasion to educate my relative. I explained that her passengers’ entitlement mindsets are the result of decades of Democrats’ convincing blacks that they are victims in eternally racist America; deceptions and lies. Blacks believe voting for Democrats will keep evil racist white America at bay.

Democrats refuse to hold blacks accountable for anything — black on black crime, epidemic school dropouts, out of wedlock births, and generational poverty.

Insidiously, Democrats have totally relieved blacks of all responsibility for their lives. Democrats have tripled down on teaching black youths that everything wrong is the fault of “white privilege,”  systematic, cultural, and economic white racism in America.

Deadbeat, lazy blacks are quick to embrace the Democrats’ its-all-whitey’s-fault narrative.   more

18 Comments on Ignorance: The Greatest Threat to Black Americans

  1. Isn’t this writer alleviating the responsibility of blacks by blaming democrats? Just like he is accusing Democrats of doing by blaming whitey? I’m sure The Democrats had an uphill battle convincing blacks they aren’t responsible for their actions.

    Heaven forbid we try and blame blacks for their actions. Dems claim it’s whitey, whitey blames dems, blacks blame whitey, black republicans blame dems…… hmmmm the only person not responsible is blacks.

  2. Shit the negros in Baltimore vote DEMS all the way no matter how hard it for them to get a job because the mayor and the rest of the DEMS prefer the criminals illegal aliens. The mayor of Baltimore took my fuc money 💰 to defend criminals illegal aliens. That mother fuc monkey 🐒 only care about the criminals illegal aliens. I’m trying to see if the legal immigrants who have earned citizenship to files a class action lawsuit against the government under the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment. Legal immigrants have not been given treatment,they have paid taxes waited in line for hours in the government agencies. Abided by federal law , only to give criminals illegal aliens get benefits.

  3. Hey welfare leeches, Mohammed will be driving your buses soon, because your black mayor won’t hire white drivers, and the black drivers are sick of your whining, insults and violence. Enjoy your ride.

  4. “I’m trying to see if the legal immigrants who have earned citizenship to files a class action lawsuit against the government under the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment…”

    That is a good idea. Is there an American Legal Immigrants Association? There should be.

  5. It’s not just ignorance. It’s low IQ. And democrats and republicans are importing more low IQ bottom feeders as fast as they can. As long as you keep the electorate dumb and uneducated, you can stay in power.

  6. I don’t know what percentage of black are “uppity”. I have worked with some wonderful black people and some not so wonderful white people. BTW, I am white. I certainly don’t want to sound racist, but when I was young, Asian folks were very polite. Today’s asians and I don’t know where they are from are pushy, assertive, agressive. This is demonstrated everytime I go to Costco. The black and Hispanics there are polite.

  7. “… not everyone is fortunate like you …”
    THIS is the mindset.
    THIS is the depth of their ignorance.
    THIS is the result of their credulity.

    Those who work aren’t “fortunate” (which means “lucky” by the way).
    Those who have jobs didn’t just wake up one day employed. Most of them (us) started out in stupid, worthless menial jobs (I carried bricks) and learned the rudiments of being employed: arriving on time, following instructions, keeping the mouth shut (more important than is usually mentioned by the employed), finishing assigned tasks, performing more and more tasks with less and less supervision, not having to be told twice that lunch is over, caring for equipment, working in a manner safe to oneself and others, … blah, blah, blah.

    It wasn’t “fortune” that gave me my home: I didn’t just wake up one day in a house; I worked, saved for a down payment, borrowed a mortgage, paid that mortgage on time, improved the structure and the land, … blah, blah, blah.

    These people (no, not negro people, YOUNGER people) are under the false impression (promulgated through the media (Disney, for instance) and mal-education) that privilege and luck are the only methods of obtaining anything worth having.

    WORK is for suckers.
    HARD WORK is for dumb suckers.
    The most fundamental necessities of work are beneath “my” dignity – even though “I” have no dignity.

    The good times won’t roll, forever. Sooner or later the people who work will tire of supporting the parasites. And if they don’t tire of it, many will simply give up and become parasites, themselves. The lesson of Ethiopia should never be forgotten: When the farmers learned of “free food” in Addis Ababa they threw down their implements and made off to the Capitol, wondering “Why should we till the soil while there’s free food in Addis Ababa?” Agriculture collapsed. Famine struck. The socialist tyrant of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam, forced the farmers back to their farms where their crops were, again, stolen by the government. Same thing happened in Ukraine in the 30s under Soviet Dictator Stalin, with similarly disastrous results.

    “Luck” had nothing to do with it.
    “Luck” has nothing to do with it.

    Get off your dead ass and work.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim April 8, 2018 at 1:25 pm – “Sooner or later the people who work will tire of supporting the parasites.”

    Millenials are worthless, illegals don’t contribute, and minorities are “entitled”. Most taxpayers are the current middle class who are CITIZENS, and we’re getting older. When the left succeeds in importing the entire third world from their shitholes, and we adults RETIRE, who’s gonna foot the bill?

  9. In our Founding Documents the writers stated that our freedoms as they were stipulated and confirmed could only be secured by an informed and God fearing people.
    The socialists that are the Democrat
    party have befouled our laws, murdered the unborn and ridiculed our belief in God.
    Once the blacks gave that group their near absolute allegiance they joined
    the ranks of the damned.

  10. @extirpates April 8, 2018 at 11:47 am

    > How about a biblical model: If a man will not work neither shall he eat.

    If I can beat uppity women, especially at work, I’m in.


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