It’s been 17 months, Trump-haters: Get over it and move on! – IOTW Report

It’s been 17 months, Trump-haters: Get over it and move on!

Patriot Retort: This past week the weather has been schizophrenic here in Central New York. Which is typical for early April.

Warm, freezing, sunny, snowing — the damn weather cannot make up its mind.

And as a result, the arthritis symptoms I get with my Lupus have kicked up to Spinal Tap 11. I can’t walk without limping. My hands are killing me. All-in-all, I feel like I’ve been beaten silly.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’ve been a wee bit cranky for the last week.

And yesterday afternoon, I realized just how much my crankiness has affected me.

We have alternate parking in Syracuse. And this dummy in the rental house next door to me parked across from my driveway on Thursday then didn’t moved her car for days.

Is her car in my way? No.

Does the placement of her car in any way inconvenience me or harm me? Not in the least.

But by yesterday, I was angry enough that I wanted to go out there and plunge a knife in every one of her tires.

Don’t worry; I didn’t.

Instead, I stopped short and chuckled to myself.

“Jeeze, Dianny,” thought I. “You need to chillax! Lie down, rest your joints and get a friggin’ grip!”

That was all it took for me to drop it and move on.

It isn’t ever healthy to obsess over things that way. Especially if the thing I’m obsessing over does not affect me in the least.

It took me two and a half days to realize I was letting this idiot’s parking – that had nothing whatsoever to do with me – make me crazy.

And I blame that on the Lupus. Because really? If I hadn’t been so cranky from the pain, I doubt where this chick parks would be a blip on my radar.

And as I lay there on the couch with my legs propped up, I got to thinking how my reaction to this is a lot like Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The only difference, of course, is I got over it in two and a half days. Trump Derangement Syndrome apparently never ends.

Today marks seventeen months since the 2016 Presidential election.

And these people have yet to get over it and move on.

Seventeen months. And they’re still screaming helplessly at the sky.  MORE

14 Comments on It’s been 17 months, Trump-haters: Get over it and move on!

  1. Pain – I had a case of meningitis back in the 80s, and for the first 36 hours, the Beatles
    Savoy Truffle looped, loudly through my head. Once the morphine kick in, more relaxing tunes kicked in.

    You might not feel it now
    But when the pain cuts through
    You’re going to know and how
    The sweat is going to fill your head
    When it becomes too much
    You’re going to shout aloud

    Take care, Dianny. You too, MJA.

  2. Dianny, depending on what hurts, try a small dose of commercially available pain reliever, eg Excedrin PM. See if there are free clinics in your area!
    I’ll add you to my prayer list, good luck!

  3. I have two friends that just cannot get over the election. Twitter and FB is an endless loop of RussiaRussiaWimminWoes. They have to have ulcers by now. Their goal is to educate me, the dumb Trump voter, about how I threw away my vote on this ogre of a man. Whatevs dude…endless articles from the WA post or comics out of the New Yorker ain’t gonna do it.

  4. Hillary thought she was gonna break the (imaginary) “Glass Ceiling” but what she really broke was the very real “Ass Ceiling.” In the history of the entire world she wins the title of Sorest Sore Loser EVER. Absolutely the WORST example of sportsmanship ever seen.

  5. Dianny – Deepest sympathy and empathy from your Uncle. I know what unrelenting pain can be like (I have back problems: pinched nerve/stenosis, collapsed disc, cervical and lumbar) but I’m not the subject here. I do hope you have the right pain-oriented doc on tap who might be able to prescribe something that will help, but I’m not familiar with what’s probably a long list of contra-indicated meds as a result of your lupus. Just be aware you have best wishes and prayers coming your way from me.

    *sigh* That and $3.50 will get you a bad cup of coffee at Starbucks.

  6. A not nice person might hope that these cretins’ TDS continues and worsens to the point that their blood pressure spikes and they start stroking out.

    I’ll take CEREBRAL HÆMORRHAGES for several thousand, Alex.

  7. Guam still hates Trump cuz he gave a tax break to the people and exposed the gubment corruptness here during an election year.😄

    I’m still laughing my ass off.


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