Jeff Flake’s Family Drama – IOTW Report

Jeff Flake’s Family Drama

So hideous.

Daily Caller:A Wild Subplot To The Flake/Arpaio Feud You Haven’t Heard About.

Austin Flake, the adult son of Arizona GOP Sen. Jeff Flake, is suing former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for malicious prosecution, arguing the sheriff brought criminal charges against him in 2014 purely to embarrass his family.

The junior Flake will revive his longstanding legal dispute with the former sheriff, after their attorney discovered authorities may have suppressed important pieces of evidence, The Associated Press reported.

Sen. Flake, an avowed critic of the president who publicly feuded with the sheriff, will not seek re-election in November. Arpaio is one of several Republicans competing to succeed Flake. Other GOP candidates include U.S. Rep. Martha McSally and former state Sen. Kelli Ward.

Flake the Younger and his ex-wife, Logan Brown, were charged with animal cruelty in 2014, after two dozen dogs in their care died of heat exhaustion. Brown’s parents ran a kennel near Phoenix, which the Flakes were supervising while the Browns were out of town. more here

14 Comments on Jeff Flake’s Family Drama

  1. Well that lawsuit won’t go anywhere. The Flakes pleaded guilty to not keeping the air conditioner in working order which was the cause of the dogs deaths.
    This is just another attempt at publicity for Jeffy.
    They must believe the old saying that any publicity is good publicity.
    Ummmm….not so much any more Flakes. Not when the real story is so easy to find.

  2. No good man is allowed to stand tall in this malevolent world with
    out God values and morality.

    More money/effort is spend on dentistry (look at them chick-lets on Flake’s face) than is spent on child welfare (or animal care apparently).

  3. I hope Jeffy is shelling out for all the lawyers. Including his son’s divorce lawyers. You’d better have a cushy lobbyist gig lined up on the other side of that revolving door, Jeffy. Your boy Austin seems to be a bit of a loser.

  4. The dozen illegal mexican kennel workers that jr Flake had tending the hounds also succumbed from the scorching heat but were dragged off before the authorities arrived.
    When asked about the horrible living conditions Flake stated:So what, they’re just animals…….Oh, did you mean the dogs?

  5. They were prosecuted for allowing a situation to exist in which several animals placed in their direct care died.
    If that is political, then everything is.
    If one of those dogs were mine, Flake would be minus one son.
    That bastard would meet his end in a lonely patch of desert, with just me, a campfire and a knife present.

  6. Leftists think that {in their distorted view} hearts are in the right place they are immune from any consequences.
    Not to mention that in this case family wealth can buy a lot of public servants who are responsible for enforcement.

  7. If the charges brought against the Flakes was political then they must also have been racist. Why not? May as well assign every grievance you can while you’re at it.

  8. I remember how horrific the scene of the crime was, all of those dead dogs… poor pups, lying in heaps.
    Oh, but the sheriff just charged him because he doesn’t like him. Sure.
    The little bastard needs to shut his neglectful, murderous face.

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