U.S. Attorney John Lausch assigned to get the goods from the DOJ – IOTW Report

U.S. Attorney John Lausch assigned to get the goods from the DOJ

CTH: Attorney General Jeff Sessions will announce the assignment of U.S. Attorney John Lausch to facilitate the production of documents from the DOJ (Horowitz/Huber) to the House Judiciary Committee, and Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

Mr. Lausch is a Trump appointed U.S. Attorney from outside Washington DC.  John Lausch currently heads the Northern District of Illinois which includes Chicago, and this specific U.S. Attorney has extensive experience in complex cases of conspiracy and political corruption; a key skill-set given the issues within the Horowitz/Huber investigation of potential politicization of the FBI and DOJ offices.

Accepting the OIG report is almost certainly the most complex undertaking of IG Horowitz career; and accepting the multitude of possible angles within each section of the investigative inquiry are so consequential; there’s a strong likelihood the report could come out in stages.

Just the sheer process of an ordinarily complex Office of Inspector General report with the inherent investigative fact-audit, draft-report review, reference fact-check, preliminary draft vetting, and subsequent final draft review and audit is exhaustive in itself.

Now imagine overlaying that report process atop each of the topics behind millions of pages of gathered evidence, thousands of pages of testimony and witness statements, on multiple investigative issues – all surrounding the FBI and DOJ-NSD conduct.

Each of these aspects is an investigation unto itself: •Clinton email, manipulated investigations with predetermined outcomes; •unlawful and coordinated media leaks; •false testimony to FBI, congress and under oath to IG; •manipulated FBI 302 reports; •Willful corruption by AD-Andrew McCabe, D-Comey etc.. and if that’s not complex enough to report about…. overlay the •issues with the FISA court; •false presentations; •source material (Steele Dossier); and well, you get the picture…. This is massive and complex.  MORE

12 Comments on U.S. Attorney John Lausch assigned to get the goods from the DOJ

  1. The report will be released in Feb, the report will be released in Mar, the report will be released in Apr……Meanwhile these scum are dying of old age quicker than they can be prosecuted.

  2. The “delays” in the IG report may indicate that new information is being discovered at such a pace that final conclusions cannot be drawn. Also possible is that the IG is coordinating with the criminal inverstigations to avoid tipping off the principals.

    Or, it could be just playing out the clock until midterms hoping for a Dem Congress who will throw a cold wet blanket over everything.

  3. The consistent delays and subterfuge have convinced me that there has got to be something that is really earthshaking that is being covered up. In the last presidential term politicians literally got away with murder, among numerous other crimes. Criminal pols, of both parties, were the norm not the exception.
    Well, there’s a new sheriff in town boys and all the screeching and wailing ya’ll been doing for the last 17 months is not going to stop him from setting things right. It will take time. The wheel of justice turn slow but they do turn.
    I can’t wait, I’m more hyper than a five year old at Christmas.

  4. Lets just throw the reports away and carry on as if nothing ever happened. The left and people that think nothing will come of this are very wrong.
    When these reports come out millions of Americans we be going, why have I not heard about this, and maybe start to see the media for what it is, Fake. It will really hit home when some of their hero’s start going to jail. If any treason or sedition is found I hope they go after the death penalty.

  5. Slow and steady wins the race,
    Be like the old Bull..walk down and get them ALL
    Hilary, Comey, McCabe, Lerner, All of them and put them in Gitmo
    Except Hilary.
    I want her in the general female population in Riker’s

  6. We have enough government employees investigating government employees we could start a new Cabinet level department.

    Yet another do nothing, non wonder dog on the public payroll. The leftists know nothing will come of their actions, and the conservatives have never ending hope and expectation.

    Something for everyone!

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