Media Matters: Bully Masquerading as Tax-Exempt Charity – IOTW Report

Media Matters: Bully Masquerading as Tax-Exempt Charity

American Thinker: According to public records, David Brock’s Media Matters group has ignored important legal requirements for tax-exempt charities.  Instead of reveling in the impact of his attacks against Laura Ingraham, David Brock and his team at Media Matters for America  (MMFA) need to try complying with the strict laws that do regulate activities of publicly supported, tax-exempt organizations.

In theory, MMFA is an “educational” charity.  IRS guidance concerning how an educational charity may avoid illegal partisan and legislative advocacy is instructive:

“The problem relating to the definition of “educational” is now a comparatively narrow one— how to classify public discussion of controversial topics. Rev. Rul. 68–263, 1968–1 C.B. 256, holds that the publication of material which discredits particular institutions and individuals on the basis of unsupported opinions and incomplete information about their affiliations is not educational. In Rev. Rul. 66–256, 1966–2 C.B. 210, however, an organization that conducted public forums, lectures, and debates on controversial social, political, and international questions was held to be educational. Although the speakers were frequently controversial, the organization adopted an unbiased position. Organizations doing research or educating the public on controversial public issues must stick to the reasoned approach and avoid unsupported opinion. They must also avoid the advocacy of specific legislation as a substantial part of their activity.”

So, if MMFA were, in fact, a lawfully organized and operated charitable organization in each jurisdiction where it solicited contributions and/or carried out activities in furtherance of its specific and authorized tax-exempt purposes, MMFA would have to avoid publishing “material which discredits particular institutions and individuals on the basis of unsupported opinions and incomplete information about their affiliations,” adopt “an unbiased position,” “stick to [a] reasoned approach and avoid unsupported opinion,” and “avoid the advocacy of specific legislation as a substantial part of their activity.”  more here

4 Comments on Media Matters: Bully Masquerading as Tax-Exempt Charity

  1. Media Matters, and Hogg’s Kommie Kidz Klub, is planning to hijack the town hall meetings during the mid-term primaries/elections to push their astroturf anti-gun garbage. Bullying everyone, as it were.

    If anybody is an experienced public speaker, you might consider preparing for and attending these events in your area, and standing up for the Constitution.

  2. The insufferable faggot David Brock is being paid well for his treachery. He’s nothing but a mercenary scumbag who needs his come-up-pance and I hope it’s soon.
    Hard to believe this POS wrote for the american spectator at one time. Go figure.

  3. more proof Ronnie was right. The tax rate should be flat. No loopholes! Lib/progressives call ’em :Deductions + Exemptions”. “A rose by any other na,e….”.!


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