Kristen Hampton eats a ‘Carolina Reaper,’ the hottest pepper in the world – IOTW Report

Kristen Hampton eats a ‘Carolina Reaper,’ the hottest pepper in the world


Fort Mill’s “Smokin’ Ed’s Carolina Reaper” has once again been certified as the world’s hottest chili pepper by Guinness World Records.

This isn’t the first time Ed Currie, who owns the PuckerButt Pepper Company where the super-hot chilis are grown, has had the honor of claiming of the hottest pepper in the world. He first made the claim to fame in 2014 when Guinness announced his first Carolina Reaper had taken the title.

The new pepper, however, is even hotter. Coming in at a record average of 1,641,000 SHU (Scoville heat units), it’s more than 71,000 SHU hotter than Currie’s previous record-holder. To put that in perspective – jalapeno peppers score between 2,500 and 8,000 SHU.

On Monday, WBTV’s Good News reporter Kristen Hampton tried the new pepper live on her Facebook page.

Apparently, she didn’t learn her lesson in 2014 when she tried Currie’s first round of Carolina Reapers. Watch

43 Comments on Kristen Hampton eats a ‘Carolina Reaper,’ the hottest pepper in the world

  1. I like hot peppers but I draw the line at jalapenos. Taco John’s pureed jalapeno hot sauce is enough to make my forehead sweat and that’s good enough for me. I once made the mistake of ordering the hottest and spiciest chicken dish at a restaurant at San Diego, I was sweating buckets after that, never again.

  2. Love Jalapenos…anything hotter is Sadism.

    There was a Restaurant in Bloomington, Illinois called

    Schooners (also in Peoria) that had about ten levels of

    “Nuclear” Sauce for their Wings.. I finally figured out that

    I wasn’t enjoying them…just trying to outdo My Friends.

  3. Had a Mex girl friend growing up. Her dad laid awake at night trying to figure ways to burn the taste buds off my tongue. I got pretty good at looking like no big deal when I had a five alarm in my mouth. After a while it was no big deal. A legal immigrant. He use to work 15 hours a day to support his family the best he could. Hard working guy that had my respect. They don’t come over the boarder like that anymore.

  4. I break out in a sweat just looking at a jar of mild salsa.

    I don’t do well with heat. I’m more comfortable outdoors in the Arctic. I can easily work up a steaming sweat at -20°

  5. I have some Lao friends that would invite me over to barbecues….always good food, but they gave me this little green fucking pepper to eat with my steak, I ate it and then told them I was thinking of killing them…..I don’t think they knew how serious I was…..

  6. Back 30, hell almost 40 years ago my buddies were way into the HOTTEST salsa they could make/buy. It usually involved drinking, go figure. One guy was a bit sloppy, and drunk, and went to relieve himself. Anyway, he must have gotten some super hot all over his johnson and he was darn near crying like a baby. We all washed our hands before taking a piss after that.

  7. 45-70, you guys from what I know we’re putting in some serious hours. 100+ a week I bet. Those were great days for me. Until I met the future mrs6pak, of course. Then I had to get a real job, and get my ass home.

  8. @ Joe6: I share your buddy’s pain. Did the same thing once with one of those tiny and deadly Cambodian peppers. And, I didn’t even have the excuse of drinking. Wasn’t thinking before – and couldn’t after…

  9. I eat jalapenos like candy and really like hot peppers. In ’74 while on Guam, me and some buddies went to a Mexican restaurant on Marine Drive. I asked for their hottest sauce for tacos, and the danged stuff immediately put blisters on my lips. Second degree burns from just eating tacos!
    I have no idea what that stuff was made from, but I suspect there were some empty Die-Hard batteries out back.

  10. really enraged, if you were anywhere close to as uncomfortable as my buddy was, and you probably were, it looked miserable. You might not realize it, but that is some pretty sensitive skin down there.

  11. Bring the heat… jalapeños, cayenne, tobascos, Thai, and piquin or picannoes.. etc.. I make jelly with habeneros.. just half to 3/4 of a pepper per batch so don’t get scared..comes off like cinnamon. .

    But still, what’s the point of the hottest pepper.. what’s it taste like? HOT!!!

    I like to taste all the flavors in curry.. sweet, sour, salt, hot, garlic, cilantro and mint..

    Nobody wants to eat or taste a branding iron

  12. Joe – yeah, 100+ was an average week. Did 2on/2off. I loved working up there and living in the Utah desert, but my job was brutal and dangerous and I got my grubstake and got out before major injury.

    I’m anxious to hear about ANWR when they start drilling.

  13. 45-70, I have high expectations for ANWR! The first rig I was on drilled Pt. Thompson 1,2,&3. Bordering ANWR and all good wells. At the same time buddies of mine were on Flaxman Island, and they all left there believing they drilled a hell of a well. Those were good days for a young man.

  14. I was always in a remote camp. Hookers didn’t make it out to where we were. They were in downtown Deadhorse. It’s as pretty as the name sounds. There’s no better place for an oilfield.

  15. Joe – yeah, Deadhorse was very cosmopolitan….until you went to Barrow. Lol

    Brad – sorry, no hookers. But about a year before I got there we had a guy go bezerk in camp. He was naked going through camp with a fire axe screaming. He’d cut himself and blood was everywhere.

    Uh, security? We need a couple guys with handcuffs and throw in a straight jacket while you’re at it.

    The isolation is not for everybody, but the Northern Lights are godly.

  16. I’m flavor not spice.

    Yes, Guam red chili are nasty hot, most are that are grow near the equator.

    You want some, it’s a large bribe. Send Fur an email. I’ll do gift packs for even payment

  17. The wife’s boss grows the Reaper, yeah, it’s hot.
    I grow a lot of peppers but stop at Habaneros, I look at it like a car.
    Why buy a Ferrari when you have a pickup truck colon?
    Took a bag of assorted peppers to work once, one guy took a Hab out.
    I said: Those are hot, he looked me in the eye and said, I’m from Texas we are used to it.
    Pulled the stem off and ate it. Hab are a time bomb, they give you a second before it goes off.
    Wish Smart phones were around then.
    He was saved by a cup of yogurt in the fridge.

  18. Her reaction wasn’t nearly as entertaining as what I was expecting. I’ve seen grown men brought to tears and rendered mute, except for a chuffing sound trying to outdo each other.


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