Florida GOP Rep. Ross won’t seek reelection – IOTW Report

Florida GOP Rep. Ross won’t seek reelection

“The news media is not your enemy, Democrats are not your enemy, Republicans are not your enemy. This is all part of the process. We’ve got to focus on bringing civility and respect back, and as much as I would like to do it from the pulpit of the Congress, I would be tainted with having an agenda that would suit a particular group.” – Rep. Ross

Article at The Hill

12 Comments on Florida GOP Rep. Ross won’t seek reelection

  1. Um, what?
    Sounds like he doesn’t want to be caught standing for something.

    Everyone’s retiring so they can quietly reap the benefits of Trumps’ economy without having to give him any credit.

  2. He’s so in to “civility,” I completely missed him. I’ve been a Florida resident for over 30 years and have never heard of this 4-term congressman. Another one with absolutely no “fire in the belly,” who has no idea what’s at stake at this point in American history. Probably a very nice man, God bless him, but it’s not like we’re losing a fighter.

  3. “The news media is not your enemy.” Yes, most of it is leftist propaganda churned out by people who hate me.
    “The Democrats are not your enemy.” Bull shit. Most of them would cheer if I was thrown into an internment camp or shot and buried in a trench.
    “The Republicans are not your enemy.” Yes, some of them are working with Democrats and the deep state, which makes them hypocritical, lying assholes, and my enemies.
    It’s a good thing the spineless puke isn’t running again. He’s part of the problem.

  4. Glad you’re leaving we have more than enough dead weight up there now. And judging by your statement you are completely clueless.
    You sound like you took an advanced course in mediocrity.

  5. So many Congressweasels resigning is a good thing. Elective office was never meant to be a career, let alone a lifetime sinecure.

    This is the swamp draining we asked for.


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