Pompeo Fact Checks Dem Sen Shaheen On His CIA Record – IOTW Report

Pompeo Fact Checks Dem Sen Shaheen On His CIA Record

Daily Caller: CIA director Mike Pompeo did a live fact checkon Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen during his secretary of state confirmation hearing on Thursday.

Shaheen focused in on Pompeo’s opposition to gay marriage and suggested that he was discriminating against his employees at the CIA.

“You were criticized at the CIA for undermining policies of the previous administration to improve diversity at the CIA,” Shaheen claimed.

“Ma’am, I don’t know the criticism you’re referring to,” Pompeo replied. “I have to tell you I didn’t undermine any policies.”

Shaheen retorted by citing the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who claimed he has seen “increasing complaints from those inside the intelligence community.”

Pompeo left Shaheen stuttering when he informed her that official complaints in the CIA decreased by 40 percent under his leadership.

“The number of — we call them ‘no fear complaints’ — the statutory requirement decreased from 2016 to 2017 by 40 percent,” Pompeo explained. “I’m proud of the record…the work that my team has done on this.”

“Good,” Shaheen conceded. Watch it here

9 Comments on Pompeo Fact Checks Dem Sen Shaheen On His CIA Record

  1. I never knew to much about this guy. But I had a chance to watch some of the questioning today. Like Corey Booker and his gay sex questions. WOW. I guess Corey takes it in the ass. Pompeo is more than impressive. This guys a Patriot and Bad Ass. His I.Q. is higher than the collective questioning him.

  2. They just want to push the narrative that all conservatives are racist and homophobic. That’s all they do at every opportunity to keep the idea planted in the dimmer voters minds.

  3. Look for Cory Booker to start placing adds in the homosexual underground newspapers like Barney Fwank did. He can dust off Barnys old pseudonym of “Hot bottom” it brought him luck trolling.

  4. I’m to the point that I don’t much care what any of these guys has done in the past short of physically hurting or killing someone. Just to see so many of Trump’s picks have the spine to take it right back to these libidiots.
    After years of watching the R’s trying so hard to be liked by people who will never like them and caving to every D whim, this is awesome.


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