Turns out Comey gave Hillary a pass on emails because he thought she would win – IOTW Report

Turns out Comey gave Hillary a pass on emails because he thought she would win

American Thinker: James Comey’s memoir, pompously titled A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, set for release on April 17, is out from the reviewer class, and all but one seems to have missed the bombshell in it: that Comey neglected to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her refusal to properly handle the nation’s top secrets through her illegal private bathtub server, and exposed those secrets to  our nation’s enemies, because he thought she would win the 2016 election.  Some Boy Scout, as he and his allies portray him.

Quite a few of the reviewers focus on Comey’s descriptive powers, something that could make anyone look negative if the view is biased enough, which Comey’s is.  He natters on about Trump’s hand size, the bags under his eyes, his tie being too long, and other stylistics that mark Comey as a vain little man obsessed with looks, little different from David Brooks and his fascination with the crease of President Obama’s pant legs.  Sounds about par for a preening fop, which I guess Comey is.  I didn’t know there were guys who did this.

There also is focus on he-said, she-said exchanges, which, given Comey’s penchant for lying, raises questions as to the accuracy of the supposed recollections.  Supposedly, Gen. John Kelly was all broken up about Comey’s firing.  Well, maybe – he’s a swamp thing, after all, and he’s said to be a nice person, very empathetic, but who knows?

Then there are the pointless anecdotes, which the Daily Wire rightly classifies as “nothingburgers.”  Are we supposed to be surprised that President Trump didn’t like the “pee tape” about himself, in a dossier put together by his enemies and their Kremlin “sources”?  Or to think it unnatural that President Trump wouldn’t want his wife to believe it?  It all seems natural and predictable.  Comey just wants to bring private business to the fore to embarrass Trump.  Comey is again being Comey.  read more

11 Comments on Turns out Comey gave Hillary a pass on emails because he thought she would win

  1. They’re just aren’t enough invectives in the English language to describe what pompous, phony, incompetent, worthless, self-serving, self-deluded, grossly overestimating of his own worth, supercilious cunt Comey truly is. JFC… What a total asshole.

  2. Uh….big freakin’ duh! The Cardinal is an all-star QB on the treasonous Left’s team, captained by obama and his relief, Killery. That’s the entire story right there in a nutshell.

  3. But it’s all about the “spin” the press will put out. Comey is now their latest idol to worship. And 50% of the fools in this country will buy it hook line and stinker.

  4. It was Clinton’s attorney in possession of all her emails that should have been raided. Comey is probably going to regret this book, reopening all this for further analysis.

  5. Comey’s “admission” itself is distortion. Yes, NYPD had everything and there already was a public brouhaha. But FBI “re-opened” its investigation in order to snatch the evidence away from the cops and bury it. Recall how amazingly fast they “re-opened” and then “re-closed”. He is prevaricating. he isn’t about to admit the real reason for the re-opened investigation.

  6. “James Comey’s memoir, pompously titled A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,”

    Truth?! bwa ha ha ha hah!

    Higher loyalty?? How much further up Clinton ass can you insert yourself, you insignificant puke?


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