Saudis admit paying for jihad – IOTW Report

Saudis admit paying for jihad

FOX: In an interview with the Atlantic, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman revealed that Saudi Arabia has financed terrorism.  Most people will ignore this.  The U.S. left has successfully colluded with jihad against national security.  That is also part of Robert Mueller’s mission: to cover up and protect jihadist infiltration, espionage, and sabotage during the Clinton-Obama years.  See the Awan espionage cell placed in the House Intelligence Committee, with the plausible collusion of Mueller, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper.  It was much too obvious not to be noticed, and the House Democrats, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz, literally ignored the need for vetting.  This was not an accident.

Mohammed bin Salman is trying to modernize and hold down the jihad-sponsoring and paying faction, which apparently involved Walid bin Talal.  However, in Islam, there is no such thing as a permanent peace.  There is only “hudna,” or a temporary truce with “the enemies of God.”  In Turkey, the jihad faction came back when Recip Tayyip Erdoğan was allowed to win his first election with the collusion of the E.U., which insisted on international recognition of this “election” of a paleo-fascist party, the party of neo-Ottomanism (self-described).

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