Trump Announces Retaliatory Strike On Syria For Chemical Weapon Attacks – IOTW Report

Trump Announces Retaliatory Strike On Syria For Chemical Weapon Attacks

WOR: President Donald Trump addressed the nation Friday night saying he has authorized a retaliatory action against Syrian government targets in response to a suspected chemical attack in a Damascus suburb that left dozens of civilians dead.

The operation was undertaken in concert with the United Kingdom, and French allies. Trump thanked them for their help on this mission.

Trump also used his speech to directly address Syria’s two allies – Russia and Iran – asking them why they would support a brutal dictator who used chemical weapons against his own people.

“To Iran and to Russia, I ask: What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women and children?” Trump said. ” Hopefully someday we will get along with Russia, and maybe even Iran. But maybe not.”

The AP reports that loud explosions were heard in the skies over the Syrian capital, while President Trump was announcing the strikes.

Trump said that the U.S. did not seek “an indefinite presence” in Syria, and will consider pulling out troops once the Islamic State had been defeated.   more here

92 Comments on Trump Announces Retaliatory Strike On Syria For Chemical Weapon Attacks

  1. I’m not happy this shit isn’t the Americans people problem. Let does mother fuc Muslim kill each other. II don’t give a shit about the Muslim. I’m calling trump White House on Monday.

  2. This should be interesting. after all the threats by Puttey baby he better show up. I’d love to see a bunch of Migs shot down and about a dozen Soviet Ships sank. We need to establish who the toughest kid on the block is now. Then there will be peace.

  3. This is fuc stupid he heard the fuc mother fuc mongers like sissy Graham, John McCain, John Bolton, General Mattis. I know is no soldiers in the ground but don’t care this is not the Americans people problem. Let does mother fuc Muslim kill each other.

  4. America isn’t leading from behind anymore. No more “red lines on the sand”.

    I believe the President did what he had to do. We must keep praying for him and all those in his administration.

  5. While I want it understood who the toughest kid on the block is, I’m not sure about this. Did we give Putin enough warning to get his people out of the way? I wonder what the targets are. Are they Iranian? I could endorse that. Was Putin not informed, and if not will he retaliate? I don’t remember getting my Daily Briefing, I’d like to know what the hell is going on!

  6. Bad_brad I agree trump will not do no occupation in Syria. I heard is statements he sounded sad . I heard him saying that we can’t be in every country.etc nice speech. But I’m fuc mad about sending soldiers to bomb Syria. I’m still calling Monday the White House.

  7. @joe6 ~ the US used B1 bombers … they are not stealth & need escorts … your buddy Pootie-Poot was definitely informed … so sleep easy

    just in … Fox is reporting that 13 Tomahawks were taken out

  8. This air strike is a bad mistake.

    It’s not that Assad and the Syrian govt don’t deserve to get whacked, but that’s not all that’s involved. There will be unintended consequences, and they will be bad for the U.S.

  9. My buddy Pootie-poot? I’m just curious who is in the loop on this. And how did 13 Tomahawks get taken out? Maybe sacrificial pieces to test Russian capabilities. I’m not on the need to know basis.

  10. Uncle Al no congressional approval. This shit better be one day shit no reason for the military to be in Syria or other Muslim country to fight the shit hole problems. Let does mother fuc kill each other including the kids that grow up to put bomb in the name of the mother fuc allah that doesn’t even exist .

  11. @joe6 ~ if I misinterpreted your seemingly sincere concern about Putin’s feelings, I stand corrected. & I reported what Fox News said about the cruise missiles … I’m not in the ‘need-to-know’ loop either

  12. ” Fox is reporting that 13 Tomahawks were taken out”

    And yet explosions are reported through the shit hole country. Lets wait for the damage report tomorrow. As a defense contractor I can’t tell you how valuable this little exercise is.

  13. Fools jump in where angels fear to tread. Nuclear war is not what Americans who voted for Trump wanted. No more war was wanted. US Congress has not even declared war. Trump orders a war to satisfy his lying, Judas ego, but Americans be damned as long as it makes Israel happy.

  14. I feel like this was a mistake… and after watching the newest pjw video, that feeling is solidified.

    Assad chemical bombing his own side, right when he was winning, makes no sense. Russia and China are super on edge already, our media is constantly vilifying Russia… It’s almost like the deep state/left WANT this to happen and go south… gee, whatta idea.

  15. tRuth

    Holy Shit, is this Sopper Mex in drag. Angels have nothing to do with it. Superior engineering does. Where in the hell are you getting Nuclear War out of the conflict? Nobody that has them is that stupid.

  16. to all those wringing their hands over the ‘Deep State’ manipulations of … what? … ‘Imminent Invasion of the Middle East’?

    …. this is NOT it!!! …. grab a paper bag, breathe out, breathe in ….. it’s ok …

  17. :Assad chemical bombing his own side”

    WTF? Assad was not killing his own. Why would he do that. Assad was killing the Pesh. And damn we need to honor those people.

  18. One of the areas bombed was recently reclaimed by the Syrian government, correct?? That’s what I was talking about. I’m not saying that I don’t support Trump, I just hope that this is not a repeat decision.

  19. Loved seeing and hearing Gorka pin that overweight, long-retired,talking head colonel’s ears back on Ingraham’s show just now. The puffed-up colonel asserted that the intelligence used to make this decision was “bad info” — he’s got full tin foil hat mode going. He inferred Mattis and the president are lying. Everyone is in full Chicken Little crisis mode. It’s embarrassing watching everyone hyperventilate over so little unclassified information.

    Three targets: Research Center/Chemical weapons
    Two more chem weapons depots/mfgs

  20. chuffed

    Anything that starts with the word Syrian is bad. Deserves killing. I submit this action is strategically huge. If the soviets did shoot down some of our Tomahawks the brainiacks at Raytheon are already trouble shooting. That’s huge. What’s the percentage. They sure as hell didn’t

    shoot them all down. What was the percentage? Was it within the parameters? how many did we lunch. The attacks over and Putin attacked no one. He’s now Trumps bitch.
    Done, over, Trump wins again.

  21. I see this as not only a worthwhile response to the use of chemical weapons on civilians, but a test of Russia’s commitment to Syria. It will shake out a lot of rats in that region.

  22. Dobbs isn’t on and I feel compelled to listen to something on a kinda, sorta conservative-friendly network, but Laura Ingraham is just making me really mad as she gives full rein to her ridiculous speculations. And her only major gripe is spending money on “war”. This is not really a war, its taking away a country’s illegal weapons and stopping something that Americans have been stopping for a loooonnnnnng time — trying to keep mad men from practicing genocide on defenseless people. there’s so much more to this.

  23. @Molon Labe — I’ve never seen that character — but I’m pretty sure I know exactly the kind of character you mean!

    That colonel guy’s expression was really quite contrite for a moment when he called out for not knowing his a$$ from a hole in the ground by Gorka. Then he wrapped his tattered self-importance around himself and went on a broad brush attack which was so entirely obvious. Hahaha! It was great!

  24. @AA ~ good point … this isn’t a war any more than ‘the shores of Tripoli’ adventure by the Marines under T. Roosevelt was a war … yet the ‘Muckrakers’, even among our fellow readers, try to convince us this will lead to Global War! …

    … history repeats …

  25. The only big thing I was concerned about was could the intelligence be trusted to be accurate because I don’t trust a dang thing anymore that comes out of IC.

    Since this was strictly surgical against mfg and storage of weapons then good. But I think we should get the UN out of the US and the US out of the UN ’cause they are useless bunch of whatever.

  26. @Molon Labe — Absolutely — really good analogy, too.

    It seems like a lifetime that we’ve heard nothing but this stupid tale of woe from EVERYONE about Syria, Iran, NOKO and every other bad actor in the world and NOW they all wail and moan about “WWIII”!! It’s making me sick to listen to it. What in the H, E, double toothpicks do they think the solution is, anyway?! This country has a lot of dumb people in it. It just sounds like all those stupid cliches to me. “Kick the can down the road” anyone?!

  27. Dang, you’re all missing the point. Putin promised to sink, blow up any launch platform. Shoot down any hostile planes. Putin is now Donald J Trumps bitch. And that was a ballsy ass move on the part of DJT. Thank God for DJT. The man doesn’t blink.

  28. Brad you are not on a lib site.
    Most here have not seen a President with big balls and follow up his talk with action.
    Just wait when we take on Iran, you want to see or hear screaming.
    Keep that CNC machine going. We need it.

  29. BB — While I agree that it is critical for Trump to call Putin’s bluff, I see it as a happy consequence of these strikes, not a primary reason. Tonight our POTUS did exactly what he said he would do and the whole world took note, including Putin. Trump cannot stand back and let mad men use chem weapons — against civilians or otherwise. IMHO, friend.

  30. Why aren’t our ships sunk? why aren’t our aircraft blown out of the sky? How can a B2B penetrate soviet controlled air space? Inquiring minds want to know. Mr. Putin, get that weak shit out of here. You suck.


  32. Not an easy decision, but using gas warfare on civilians is beyond evil.

    To those that say it’s not Americas problem. It will be eventually if not stopped now.

    Don’t feel alone Brad. After being a pussy for Obama for 8 yrs, people are shocked when the new boss says enough is enough and the instigator gets smacked right in the chiclets.

  33. (my point-of-view)
    Trump Doctrine:
    We cannot right every wrong in the world, but we will do what we can, where we can, when we can.
    We have no desire to enforce our beliefs upon you, but if we have cause, when you desire to enforce your will upon others.
    We do not desire conflict, only reasonable confrontation. Anything can be worked out.
    Do not believe that desire of absence of conflict is obsequious, it is not.
    We have no desire to make threats.
    We desire that we work together; we leave it to your choice.

    … History will judge … & it’s usually written by the winners

  34. Without insinuating collusion, I’m bettIng Putin was in agreement to stand down, and it looks like he did. He knows who is really in charge. I would still like to be getting my Daily Briefing.

  35. joe6pak

    Maybe the only time I’ve ever disagreed with you. Rusky culture is all about saving face. Which was an embarrassment on parade tonight. Just watch Nikki, the killer, Haley cut the balls off a Rusky official at the UN. Man I like this woman.

  36. Brad, we actually agree here. I’ve been misinterpreted a couple times here. Putin saved face by not getting his ass kicked. He was told to stand down and he did. We let him save face by shooting down a couple of dummy missiles, we threw him a bone.

  37. joe6pak
    love ya buddy, Putin just got his ass kicked. Listen to Haley today. Listen to Putin”s bull shit. Chalk this up to weapons test. And we will glean SO mush out of this. I feel like fighting now. Gonna see if one of my young boys are up to pummeling with the dinosaur. Heehee. they might hate me.

  38. NO,NO,NO…this is just bad shit. Syria ain’t no place for us to go to war. We coulda had Russia as an ally in the fight against terror…now it is too late. Trump you are screwing up bad.

    Damn it, Trump, never mind Syria…use your energies to build the fuc*in’ wall and get illegals out of our country. After that, shut down Planned Parenthood and put Hillary in jail.

  39. The team that President Trump has put together is kicking ass, and will to continue to kick ass! Mad Dog Mattis is just a quiet warrior that nobody wants to mess with! He’s great.

  40. I can’t see the Russians loosing sleep over a bunch of Muzzies one way or the other. They want to sell their war goods and don’t give a damn. They will not tangle with us.

  41. Anybody remember the “yellow cake” bullshit from the Bush Administration?

    The constant inundation in the cesspool of DC has numbed President Trump’s nose to the smell of shit.
    If for NO other reason, the fact that Blumenthal of CT supported it, should have alerted President Trump’s bullshit meter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  42. Define war? I’d say the strikes we made in Syria is war. What do you call it?

    Also, I don’t usually frequent the drive-by sites, but when I do, it is only to see what nonsense they are spouting. Also, you are ‘effen with my freedom by telling me to stop looking at drive-by sites. Nobody effs with my freedom except God. You do that at your peril.

  43. I despise all this pulling of heartstrings on account of Syrian women and children. Get the illegals out of here and build the wall. I’m concerned about our American women and children, and American men as well. The safety and security of Syrians means nothing to me right now.

  44. there is a lot more important things than responding to a tin-hat dictator. Let the Syrians take care of their own house. If our own borders were secure and we were safe, I might agree to the strikes. I think the powers behind the throne have gotten to Trump and he is shitcanning the border wall and our security, and Getting our minds off it with stupid foreign entanglements is the game that is being played.

    What’s with you gunslinging John Wayne wannabees? Too many testosterone pills? This whole Syrian deal is fishy. This time, think before you pull your pistols.

  45. I see the Russians as stronger now than during the cold war. They are finally rid of their loser Marxist philosophy. I see us getting weaker by the day from the rot within from crime, perversion, an anti-American entertainment industry, illegals, weak-ass liberals, mental and spiritual breakdowns, and scores of other problems.

    We may not be a match for them. I am hoping we don’t tangle with Russia because the outcome is far from clear.

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