California: More cities opting out of illegal alien sanctuary laws – IOTW Report

California: More cities opting out of illegal alien sanctuary laws

BPR– Residents in two more California counties voted to challenge the state’s sanctuary law, joining 12 other cities that do not want California to become a sanctuary for illegal aliens.

On April 12, the Orange City Council voted 3-2 to opt out of California’s sanctuary state law, joining Newport Beach, whose council voted unanimously to challenge the law that places the interests of illegal immigrants over American citizens and legal residents.

“It’s completely infuriating when I hear people crying and whining about what’s going on with the illegal aliens,” one man said at the Orange City Council meeting (via CBS News). “I’d like to see the border secured. I want to see a wall. And I want to see all illegal aliens systematically and aggressively removed from our country.”

Despite the mainstream media narrative, Newport Beach Councilman Scott Peotter said his county’s vote against California’s sanctuary law isn’t a vote against immigrants; it’s a vote against allowing “criminal illegal aliens” from re-entering his community. read more

7 Comments on California: More cities opting out of illegal alien sanctuary laws

  1. Our county supervisors are going to vote in a couple of weeks to opt out of Brown’s sanctuary city law and go with the Federal law. All 5 supervisors will vote to opt out! Yes! We love our Sheriff here, he has no problems giving out carry permits. So, it looks like we’re on our way to not participating Brown’s shit down. Our county voted for Trump, several counties in California voted for Trump. Where we get screwed are the bigger counties like LA, SF – the coastal regions. Don’t vote for Cox for governor! He’s a never Trumper, he did not vote for Trump, he voted for Johnson. He voted for Johnson the libertarian. I will not vote for him even though he talks like a conservative.

  2. California is in the advanced states of what Oregon and Washington are going through. They’re all states filled with many red areas but are totally run by a coastal blue area run by champagne communists and overpopulated by masochistic faggots, femtards, white haters, and soy boys, trained since birth to hate most of the country and to hate freedom in general.

  3. The vote would and should have been unanimous if the naysayers were truly Americans. Anyone intentionally favoring people from another country over their own citizens is a traitor. Unfortunately, the U.S. definition of treason only applies during a war, but even so they’re committing other Federal crimes and should be treated accordingly.

    I won’t give progs “the benefit of the doubt”. If they’re not intentionally evil and malicious, they’re just plain stupid, and that is almost as bad because their actions still harm the rest of us.

  4. Goldenfoxx

    Travis Allen is by far the better candidate. However one of these guys needs to get out before the primaries. The top two in the primary move on the general regardless of party. We need to consolidate our vote behind one candidate. Cox would be far better than any Dem. Newsom is currently polling at 26%. Cox is in second place polling at 15%. Allens in 4th polling at 10%. Newsom would finish off California.

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