UK: Teachers blast “racist” parents who pull children from “education” about Islam in class – IOTW Report

UK: Teachers blast “racist” parents who pull children from “education” about Islam in class

Jihad Watch:

Teachers are claiming that parents who are taking their children out of Religious Education classes because they don’t want them learning about Islam are racist, it’s been reported.

There is a difference between teaching children and indoctrinating them with lies. For the sake of truth and sensitivity, it is best for everyone involved that young children not be taught about Islamic law and tradition in the school system. Some reasons why:

  • It sanctions violence against disbelievers, and teaches the supremacy of Islam.
  • It refers to Jews as accursed and having earned Allah’s anger, and Christians as having gone astray.
  • It teaches the inferiority of women and requires that women be covered lest they be abused (Quran 33:59).
  • Beheadings and the murders of gays and apostates are also sanctioned, as well as death for blaspheming Islam.

But it is virtually certain that schoolchildren will be taught none of these things. Instead, they’ll be given a rosy and whitewashed picture. Yet if the schoolchildren ask questions about rampant Christian persecution in Muslim countries, or about the Islamic abuses they see happening globally in the news, or about whether jihad and other atrocities are sanctioned in Islam, how will the teachers answer? If they answer no, they are lying to the children. If they answer yes, they are going to frighten the children and raise other difficult questions. more here

9 Comments on UK: Teachers blast “racist” parents who pull children from “education” about Islam in class

  1. Mandatory govt-run schools indoctrination and conditioning institutions are evil. Anybody who sends their children to them is skirting mighty close to committing child abuse.

    Not all of it is this blatant. Some is quite subtle, especially the idea that the right way to become educated is in a room with a large number of kids all being controlled the same way at the same time. This in itself establishes collectivism/socialism and punishes individualism in such a fundamental way that it isn’t even consciously thought of, much less questioned.

    Kids learn extremely well and quickly when in a one-on-one or one-on-few collaboration with someone who wants to help them learn.

  2. Is the Brit school system giving equal class time to Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc?
    I think the answer to that will tell you if they’re “teaching” or “propagandizing”.

  3. I remember years ago, around 1980, I was Commander of the American Legion in my community. By tradition, which started long before me, The American Legion had a speaker at the local elementary school on graduation day to give a little speech and give each student an American Flag. One student, a little fellow, refused to take the flag. He told me it was against his religion, but in a way that he had rehearsed “against my religion.” Sure enough, his parents were watching and proud.
    I approached the Principal afterwards and asked him what he thought about it. He shrugged and said “it is his right.”
    Same school, same time, 1980’s The American Legion used to award medals to the “Best three Boys and The best Three Girls’ in the graduating class. Voted on by their classmates . No go. The same Principal told me that we cannot discriminate between boys and girls. So five girls and one boy got medals. And I got pissed off and just stopped the whole thing. The American Legion can’t get involved with children anymore. I saw this coming. but couldn’t stop it.


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