‘I Might Have To Leave America’ She Says – IOTW Report

‘I Might Have To Leave America’ She Says

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: There’s nothing wrong with adopting a child who happens to be of a different ethnic group from yourself. We’re all God’s children. There IS something wrong with purposefully adopting black children as a social and/or a career marketability statement, as they do in Hollywood.  And I’m really not sure how privileged children of a millionaire actress would need to fear America. But Hollywood is great at overreacting after all, since they’re paid very well to do it. In an interview published in Elle magazine, South African born actress Charlize Theron warned that racism in America was so bad that she “might have to leave.” And no surprise to you I’m sure, among other things she blames the Trump administration.

In the interview with the alleged comedian Chelsea Handler, the South African actress expressed her feelings on racism (since she’s from a country that had apartheid, she apparently is an expert). She give no specifics, but keeping with the Hollywood group-think, blames the “new administration” that’s been around for lets see…… a year now. But wait, according to Ms.Theron, it’s not just the administration that’s to blame, it’s also America in and of itself:

“Of course, I have two black kids, but that was always something I was passionate about.” MORE HERE

37 Comments on ‘I Might Have To Leave America’ She Says

  1. If she was really serious about having black children and social justice then she would have let Reverend Al do it the old fashioned way….bouncing around a bit….

  2. Well … Bye!

    Be sure to say “Hello” for us to the party calling for the expropriation of white owned lands and the extermination of white South Africans.

  3. Perhaps instead of leaving America, she could move to any Black community like the one in Chicago or Baltimore where love and peace prevails among the brothers and sisters. Her children would experience what it’s like to truly be Black and avoid racism.

  4. Overheard, While shopping at the Angelina Jolie Fashion Accessory and Adoption Agency.

    Yes, I’ll take two black children from Nigeria, some self-righteous indignation, and some extra virtue signaling…

    Does that come in blue?

  5. Theron defined: disfunctional childhood, ebbing career, disastrous personal relationships.

    And now another excellent life decision…grab the purchased children then cut and run.

    Popcorn anyone? Show’s about to begin…….

  6. I have twice the virtue and possess much more empathy than those other bitches! And they’d better not doubt it or I’ll show them, I’ll adopt another negro, and if I have to another one after that.

  7. I hate when whites go overseas and adopt black kids. It’s like “Oh, look at me. I’m saving the world!” when there are kids of any color here that can be adopted.

    Reminds me of people who get an exotic pet instead of a dog or cat.

  8. The 800 pound gorilla in the room:

    How long would she actually survive in South Africa and would having “blaque childrens” help that longevity?

    Seems to me that she has no right to blame Trump (not her foreign born ass’s President) or disparage America (not her country). Pack you bags and leave weaccth (rhymes with).

  9. If she was forced to spend a weekend with Bill Clinton (the rapist!), she might ‘evolve’ about President Trump.
    God has such an ornery sense of humor, doesn’t He? Combining such physical beauty with so much wooden stupidity.
    She threatens to leave the US? Meh. Who would notice? Buhbye

  10. According to Elle: “She grew up during apartheid in South Africa and fought her way to Hollywood greatness.”

    “Fought” her way up???? Yeah sure. fought. hahahahahaha

  11. Talk’s cheap.
    Pack your shit, and your trophy kids, and go – make a definitive “statement” – or is pretending all you can do?

    You rich Hollyweird maggots are tiresome.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. She’s under the illusion that the public looks to Hollywood actors like her for wisdom and guidance. Overactive ago’s don’t tend to produce much in the way of helpful information but only serve to further inflate their distorted self image’s.

  13. Back to South Africa where her kids can qualify for reparations and get a white farm owners land handed to them. I miss the days when we didn’t know anything about these Hollywood stars and I could enjoy a movie.

  14. Well then perhaps it’s time this virtue signalling moron bought herself a farm in her native South Africa and packed up her “window dressing” adoptees and move with them onto it. I’m sure she and her kids would be perfectly safe rhere.

  15. Seriously? I mean really, seriously?

    If I want to go to Walmart, I don’t make an “announcement,” I just get up off my dead ass and go to Walmart!
    Likewise, if I want to take a road trip to Virginia, I don’t make an “announcement,” I just get in the fukkin truck and drive!

    Fucking pretentious drama queens – ALL of them!

    Some advice, Charlie – you wanna do something – JUST DO IT!
    Spew your fuckin chin music from the shores of some other country.
    No integrity? No guts? No real determination? Outside of blabbering bullshit?

    Go sit in your 2-acre jewelry box and cry your eyes out at how unfair America is.

    FUCK OFF – EAT SHIT – and DIE.

    izlamo delenda est …

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