Build The Wall, Build It Tall, Build it Strong and Build It Now – IOTW Report

Build The Wall, Build It Tall, Build it Strong and Build It Now

Political Clown Parade: How many times do we have to have the slaughter in our southern neighbor paraded before our eyes.? The problem with gun violence isn’t guns, it’s the murderous people that use them. It is a people problem, not a gun problem.

As an example look at the City of Tijuana just south of San Diego. In only three months Tijuana murders (over 530) have passed the annual number of murders in Baltimore (one of the most violent cities in America) and almost reached the annual level of Chicago. And Mexico has but a single location where you can purchase a firearm, a place in Mexico City known as the “Directorate of Arms and Munitions Sales” which is operated by the Mexican Army.

The clerks are soldiers.

Tijuana sits on the U.S. border with California, approximately 17 miles south of San Diego. A brief look at both cities reveals that San Diego has a population of 1.4 million compared to Tijuana’s 1.8 million. In 2016 and 2017 respectfully, Tijuana finished with 910 and 1,734 homicides while San Diego registered 50 and 34 for each year in straight comparisons, local journalists found at the time.

The cartel violence in Tijuana has been attributed to a resurgence of remnants from the Cártel de Los Arellano Félix, which is now operating under the name of Cártel Tijuana Nueva Generación (CTNG) and aligns with El Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación. These two criminal groups are engaged in a turf dispute with the Sinaloa Cartel. In some areas, rival factions within the Sinaloa Cartel are fighting for control of the lucrative street-level markets and valuable routes leading into the United States.

Last year Mexico reported 29,168 homicides, 80% of which are still open. Mexico has a murder rate three times that of the US (15 per 100,000 vs 5).  MORE

11 Comments on Build The Wall, Build It Tall, Build it Strong and Build It Now

  1. Trump has been making a lot more noise the past couple of weeks. Hope it turns into action very soon.
    Ann Coulter is holding him to it. And it will have a huge impact on November election results – the more he builds the more Republicans will be elected.

  2. Coulter’s an idiot. There’s three branches of government. And two, including his own party are fighting him. Coulter’s time would be better spent getting off Jimmy “Dynamites” unit and calling out people that are actually blocking the wall. Doubt me? Take a look at the verbage included in the Omnibus related to money allocated for the border. Paul Ryan was responsible for that. G ca Coulter. She don’t get it.

  3. “and put a 5 thousand round capacity Vulcan cannon every 200 yards apart along the entire wall.”
    I couldn’t agree more. These invaders must be stopped, and people need to quit looking at this as future Dem voters. These are future soldiers. Leftist string pullers know a civil war may happen. Leftist string pullers also know soy boys won’t cut it. They need people who can nut up if need be. A platoon of illegals would be far more dangerous than a battalion of low T cucks.


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