Pope Francis does for church attendance what Colin Kaepernick did for NFL attendance – IOTW Report

Pope Francis does for church attendance what Colin Kaepernick did for NFL attendance

American Thinker:

The comparison is obvious.  A new Gallup poll finds a precipitous drop in Catholic Church attendance coinciding with the years of Pope Francis’s papacy.  Francis is known for shoving secular statist left-wing ideology into church teachings, through both his words and his deeds, just as Colin Kaepernick did with the National Football League.  That’s clear in what Pope Francis says and in whom he invites into the Vatican to provide advice.  And surprise, surprise, the result is the same: the fans and the flock stay away.

Breitbart reports:

Catholic church attendance in the United States fell by six percent between the pontificates of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the sharpest drop in decades, a new Gallup poll has revealed.

An average of 39 percent of U.S. Catholics attended church weekly during the heart of the Francis papacy, from 2014 to 2017, Gallup found in a survey released April 9, which represents a significant drop from the 45 percent of Catholics who attended weekly Mass from 2005 to 2008, in the early years of the Benedict pontificate.

The empty pews have the curious redolence of Colin Kaepernick, who created empty seats in America’s football stadiums by introducing left-wing protest into National Football League opening ceremonies.  It was the specter of a $20-million football player telling the audience paying that salary that they and their country were just too racist for him.  No surprise: The audience drifted away, and NFL profits plummeted.   more

39 Comments on Pope Francis does for church attendance what Colin Kaepernick did for NFL attendance

  1. This is true. In my Mass bulletin today was the monthly report of how much was given for collection. It is down $3,000 from last year. I attend a small parish but it has been a steady decline since Pope Benedict “resigned”.

  2. Not a catholic.

    I still don’t understand how a sitting pope (Benedict) can be ousted. They used to have to die, didn’t they?

    The Vatican has a deep state problem of its own and has had for years.

    Speaking as an outsider, of course.

    The only time I agreed with Francis is when he opined on the Lord’s Prayer.
    “Lead us not into temptation”

    The Lord doesn’t lead anyone into temptation.

    Not sure how Francis phrased it, but it was something like “let us not be led to into temptation”

    I agree with that.

    Otherwise this pope is just awful

  3. Went to the movie theater to watch Paul Apostle of Christ. They showed a preview for a movie to be released May 18th:

    Pope Francis – A Man of His Word.

    I thought, no it won’t be on my list of movies to see.

    Part of the description from the below website:
    “Pope Francis – A Man of His Word is not an autobiography, but instead is an intimate, in-depth dialogue with Pope Francis regarding his work as the global ambassador of the Catholic faith and a leader in social justice…”

    http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/922863-pope-francis-a-man-of-his-word-set-for-may-release .

    There are only two comments. No enthusiasm for viewing the film in either of them.

  4. The catholic church was created to replace the crumbling roman political structure and to maintain the elite’s control on the uneducated peasants. It has fooled its members for many centuries and continues to fool them today.

  5. PHenry. “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” I think that version of “The Lord’s Prayer” meant Lead us away from temptation and help us avoid evil. But who am I? Eventually the Lord’s Prayer will include Transgenders, Homosexuals,and other motherfuckers. By then I should be enjoying a cocktail with FDR in Hell.
    But Papa Francis say’s there is no Hell, so what the fuck?

  6. Anonymous. I am not, and never was an “uneducated peasant.” but I was raised catholic. And I continue to be a practical Catholic. Have you ever heard of uneducated , peasant Jews? Or uneducated peasant muslims? You’re a
    fucking moron. How many Catholic Universities, Hospitals High Schools are there in the United States? You fucking atheists always refer to “uneducated peasants” when referring to the Catholic Church, but to no other.
    Pog Mo Theoin.

  7. @moe Tom
    I do not fraternize with organized religion as most involved are frauds and poseurs.

    My point is that it’s the dude with the horns, hooves and tail that leads us to temptation, not our father, and on that point he got it right.

    Stopped clock syndrome.

  8. You know, I don’t get it – they’ve got a perfectly good backup Pope sitting on the bench, doing nothing. They should put him back in and send Francis to the showers. I mean, Benedict could be the George Blanda* of the Catholic Church.

    (* – Look him up, youngsters. We old timers remember him.)


  9. PHenry. Do you not agree that religion, whether it be Catholicism, Jewism,(?),Protestantism, asks us to abide by the Ten Commandments; Whereas other “religions” just want to cut your fucking head off if you don’t agree with them? Why can’t you take a stand?
    I’ve heard that shit before, “I’m not for organized religion.” Then what the fuck are you for? Anomie?

  10. yeah, Moe … us Protestants & Catholics preach Jesus’ words …. but, we’ve been happily slaughtering each other for centuries
    … not excusing other religions either … them Jews were ‘effin’ bloody back in their Old Testament days too…. & today we have the tribe of the guttural Moon God ‘of peace’ slaughtering anyone & everyone they can

  11. Moe Tom, take a chill pill…

    Practice whatever religion blows your skirt up and let others do or not do the same. Unless of course you’re talking about the goat fxxckers. They could be thinned from the herd.

    Short stint in the seminary gave me all I needed to walk away from being a “Catlicker.”

  12. @Moe … go tell that to the Huegonaughts, the Cathars … hell, go tell that to Mary, Queen of Scots! Joan de Arc …. heretics all!

    “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

  13. Moe Tom.

    Here’s my take. We have divinely inspired words in the Bible. Some seem to misuse that and deceive others to impoverish others and enrich themselves, hence gold encrusted shrines. Same as politics.

    I have a more personal relationship with the savior and cut out the middle man.

    My youth involved family starving and unable to buy basics while hemorrhaging mountains of cash to religious hucksters who lived in mansions while masquerading as servants of God.

    I believe in a beneficent and loving God. I don’t believe that He needs phony salesmen.

  14. Bergoglio is a despicable rodent, a wicked and evil little man. Unfortunately the swamp within the Vatican is full of these infiltrators. I am a practicing Catholic and have been all my life. At age nine or ten I called Archbishop Hunthausen a crackpot and quite possibly a heretic and my mother damn near drove the car up a telegraph pole thinking that I had brought down fire and brimstone on the entire family with those words. The worst of the worst are the progressive nuns and other harridans that have taken control of many parishes.

  15. I still go to mass on Sunday etc.
    as my disagreement isn’t with the
    Lord. I have though become very selective as to what I donate to
    outside my immediate parish.
    Since I heard some Baltimore City
    Catholic schools were taking students
    to DC to protest the 2nd Amendment
    my donations to support the churches SJW crap have dried up.

  16. one more for ya Moe … I won’t boor you w/ the whole ‘Wars of Religion’ in Europe from the 15th century to the 19th century … I’ll just leave you w/ The Thirty Years War where the Holy Roman Empire (Catholics) fought the Germanics (Lutheran & Calvainists) … just go check out one instance … the Sack of Magdeburg where the Catholics only slaughtered pacified 25,000 Protestants … their benevolence allowed 5,000 to live

    btw, I believe almost none of ‘history’ I see on tv, video or the movies

  17. @PHenry: When I was a very young child we would go to church and they would take up the offering for God, and I remember wondering how they managed to get the money to Him. I mean, it never occurred to me that He wouldn’t have any use for money because, after all, everyone wanted money, so I just assumed that God did, too. It was the mechanics of getting the money from Earth up to Heaven that I couldn’t figure out.

    It wasn’t until I got a little bit older that I found out that God wasn’t seeing a dime of all that loot.


  18. I’m just saying that I, as a not so great Catholic, do not believe in beheading people. I’m also very weary of this fucking argument. You either believe in the Ten Commandments, and the Ten Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, or you don’t.
    Are you with us or against us? That’s the fucking question.
    And believe it or not the Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments are not mutually exclusive. They are one.

  19. I leave you w/ this … if your religion is promoted through conquest of the ‘heathen’ … if you cannot persuade people that your choices are correct by reason, then you might want to re-examine aspects of your faith.

    Jesus persuaded by Love … he was a fallible human being (he proved that by cursing the fig tree & having moments of doubt for his impending sacrifice by telling his followers to sell their cloaks for swords, IMHO). I take comfort that he was fallible, because I am a vastly more fallible being than the Christ. His words find hope for me.

  20. Moanlobe I am not speaking of the seventh century or ancient bullshit, I’m speaking of now. And for your information, the Holy Roman Empire, was neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire. But today we have people beheading people. They are not Catholics doing this shit. I’m weary and I’m going to bed. Fuck it.

  21. French Huguenot ancestors. They assimilated, were absorbed into the US mainline non-papists. Now, Protestantism has been infiltrated by sodomites and communists like Berproglio. Where does a Protestant go to escape polluted Protestantism?

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