Book Worm – IOTW Report

Book Worm

Stilton’s Place: Disgraced former FBI director and serial-leaker James Comey is about to have his face plastered all over our nation’s television screens as he kicks off a tour to pimp…uh, promote…his new tell-all book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership.”

The book will be filled with the insights of a man who couldn’t find dirt on Hillary.  Just let that sink in for a moment and be filled with a sense of awe regarding the sheer size of this man’s ineptitude. Although we may be doing him a disservice – we don’t actually doubt his ability to detect criminal activity, we just don’t like it when he ignores such (in Hillary’s case) or invents such (in Trump’s case).

Comey has already recorded a lengthy interview with longtime Clinton shill George Stephanopoulos in which he allegedly compared the President to a “mob boss.” Which either means that Comey’s book will contain evidence of Trump’s drug dealing, contract murders, and profligate distribution of severed horse heads, or that Comey is simply flinging whatever insults he thinks will sell books to the rubes in Progressive-land.  MORE

7 Comments on Book Worm

  1. Watching now. Comey didn’t waste a second to show just how unworthy he is, and just how stupid he is.

    He rolls his eyes up to ‘think’ as he tells the stupidest of LIES.

    Slimeball indeed.

  2. Comey claims he wants the American people to decide who should be President. Immediately after he admits to illegal acts in an effort to elect the douchebag that he and the gaggle of wymyn that comprise his family wanted so badly to RULE us!


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