Sonia Sotomayor falls, breaks shoulder – IOTW Report

Sonia Sotomayor falls, breaks shoulder

She’s trying to break Hillary Clinton’s record for medical emergencies.

Daily Caller: Sotomayor Breaks Shoulder In Early Morning Fall.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor fell and broke her shoulder Monday in her Washington, D.C., home.

The justice appeared in court following the incident, so the injury does not appear serious.

The Supreme Court’s public information office said Sotomayor, 63, will wear a sling for several weeks. She will also participate in several sessions with a physical therapist. She is not expected to miss any cases. more

21 Comments on Sonia Sotomayor falls, breaks shoulder

  1. @Africa Bob: You’re right, she does have some serious problems. She’s a Type 1 diabetic, and going into a diabetic coma takes its toll on ones body. With another episode of falling down and breaking her shoulder is not a good sign of her health. She may have had another diabetic episode and fell, it’s not uncommon. Type 1 diabetics do not have a long life span either.

  2. Nothing like pulling a Harry Reid…

    So if your case is heard at the SCOTUS, you’ve got her presumably on pain pills, and Ginsburg is black-out drunk all the time.



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