Judge Nap Thinks Comey May Slip Up And Hurt Mueller’s Case – IOTW Report

Judge Nap Thinks Comey May Slip Up And Hurt Mueller’s Case

DC: Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said former FBI Director James Comey may end up damaging special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, by continuing his publicity tour while he’s still a witness for the grand jury.

“I’m actually surprised that Jim Comey is doing this now while he is still a witness before the grand jury that Bob Mueller summoned and therefore still under the control of Bob Mueller,” Napolitano said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday. “He could very well say something in one of the many dozens of interviews and book signings he’s about to have, which will contradict something he told Mueller. Or contradict something he told to the grand jury.”  more

20 Comments on Judge Nap Thinks Comey May Slip Up And Hurt Mueller’s Case

  1. My opinion of the judge dropped when I learned he had a male partner who had died.
    So, the judge is one of those homo types.
    Also, can’t trust anyone whose hairline starts an inch above his eyebrows.

  2. OK Nap, maybe you’re right. But Mueller doesn’t have a case, YET. But he’s got years and years to work on one.
    What a bunch of bullshit. Listening to these well paid “experts” jabbering night after night about bullshit.
    Fuck it! I’m sick of it. He May, It could, it may. possibly, maybe, if. Go fuck you all on TV.

  3. Who would have took the bet that she would croak before the 95 year old garbage bag of medical waste she was married to?

    I never knew judge nap was a homo… wow. He looks like a normal person.

  4. Stop 2
    My wife’s brother and his partner adopted (or literally bought a little baby boy by paying the birth mother’s expenses).

    I still don’t acknowledge the relationship. He was pissed off when his mom died and in the obituary, I listed only my wife (married name) and her brother without mentioning his extended family unit. Of course, by doing so, I also wasn’t mentioned except by reference to my wife having my last name.
    Her bother has become a radicalized homosexual. Although he graduated from a Baptist school, he has denounced anyone and anything that doesn’t go along with the homosexual agenda.
    I pity the little boy being raised by his two dads.

  5. Anonymous you are 100% correct. Homos lives are completely and utterly dominated by the preference of where they stick their penis or what they lick. Every single aspect of their entire existence is governed by the fact they are homos. You name it, from the car they drive, clothes they wear, bars they go to, where they work, what area they live in, what gym they belong to, where they shop, every single thing is decided by who they are aroused by and have sex with. If that is not a mental illness I dont know what is. Everything is seen through the prism of sex… wow.


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