Soros and his cause are losing – IOTW Report

Soros and his cause are losing


Hungarian-born hedge fund multibillionaire George Soros is best known as a radical open borders advocate and manipulator of a political reality that suits his vision. His unsavory reputation, widespread in the States as well as in Europe and Russia, has arisen from Soros’ own history. Aware of the Balkanization of Europe that plunged continents into two world wars, one of which he lived through, Soros saw events such as these as reasonable cause for erasing barriers between nations. Meaning walls and fences, language, politics, ideology, culture, races, colors, differences in opinion, and religion. He literally saw himself as a god who would defeat reactionary forces that insisted on national sovereignty and create a Tower of Babel of Utopia in which all will agree on one language and a dominant culture. Possibly that out of Arabia.

DISCOVER THE NETWORKS: “Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis å vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.”

To succeed, Soros & Co. need to ignore human nature. The problem is that human nature will not ignore George Soros & Co.

Soros’ One World insists on a non-conscious uniformity of political sentiment. It completes the universal TRESSPASS across social norms, wealth, class and race. If one equalized every other, the rage, envy and the resentment of the hapless, clueless, the unmotivated and the unsuccessful directed against the talented, smart, innovative, genetically advantaged and successful, would dissipate. And with it, the social unrest, rage, and unhappiness that brought it to fruition.

Soros may have realized as have socialist leaders everywhere, that people are unhappy because some people have more than others, have a better life and are happier than others. For a large part of humanity, the envy is the motivating factor. To see the better auto in the neighbor’s garage can be unsettling, especially if the better off had the political means to resist sharing what they have earned.

Being wealthy and comfortable enough himself to fully understand what wealth provides, against the contrast of the deprivation and terror of his youth, Soros’ formula is simple: Make sure no one is deprived of life’s necessities.

To accomplish the sharing—redistribution – of everyone’s share by whatever it takes, make sure that those who have some of “it,” no longer will. No one is jealous of a neighbor whose auto has been repossessed, and therewith we have Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward All Men.

The final result of the widespreading of misery thus created is of little importance. What is important is to eliminate the perception of inequality—even as the political left is still unaware that income inequality is not greater today than in was forty years ago.

25 Comments on Soros and his cause are losing

  1. Pretty noble claims on his/his shills’ part! Does no one remember that Soros began his rise to immense wealth by betraying his fellow Hungarian Jews to the Nazis, taking their properties and selling tehm? That he destroyed the currencies of several European states with his speculations and deceits? That there are European Nations where he may not go without fear of arrest for exactly those acts?

    This man is VILE beyond description!

  2. Poor LITTLE Gyorgy Schwantz/ Schwartz
    who calls himself


    Will go down ( I can’t wait to see it )
    as one of the biggest inconsequential idiots of
    the overlap of the 20th and 21st centuries.


    You might as well have pissed your money away in Vegas
    You would have had some fair weather friends
    Helping you lose your money and not necessarily
    Your character if you have any

    Can’t wait to see you go down

    I’ll be laughing when you croak.

  3. @Reg April 17, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    There are lots of us who would like to. But our free society gives him cover. We are handing him the rope (freedom) he’ll use to hang us.

    A more vile creature than Soros is hard to imagine.

  4. @really enraged April 17, 2018 at 8:17 pm

    > Does no one remember that Soros began his rise to immense wealth by betraying his fellow Hungarian Jews to the Nazis, taking their properties and selling tehm? That he destroyed the currencies of several European states

    Oh, my! However does he find time to sleep, at night? I can’t even imagine Clark Kent never, ever, putting his glasses back on, having time to, literally, throw all those people out of “their” homes, call his own auction, count the cash, and fly to the next hovel, to do it all again. And then he took all that cash, deposited it in banks, changed it to some local currency, flew over the border, deposited in another bank, changed it to some other local currency, arbitraged, and calculated, and did it over, and over, and over, spinning round the world faster than the Sun, until he’d tricked all the (at least marginally retarded) bankers out of their customers’ money? What a Bizarro World genius! And so hard working!

    Or is he, perhaps, the goat upon which smart people, ambitious people, people who want to do better in the world, heap THEIR sins, on his way out of town? So they can continue doing what he is “guilty” of. And sleep soundly amongst “his” victims, at night. Same as it ever was.

  5. @Tim Buktu April 17, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    @Reg April 17, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    > our free society gives him cover. We are handing him the rope (freedom) he’ll use to hang us.
    > A more vile creature than Soros is hard to imagine.

    What a sad, small, world view. Just look around! Can’t you see it? Are you sure?

  6. Schwartz means black in German, he has a very dark black evil soul. I agree with others that he is vile and despicable beyond description. Things will not go well for him when he finally croaks and I for one will not shed a tear for this evil bastard. God, help me to not to gloat or take satisfaction when he does die, he deserves the worst.

  7. @Anonymous April 17, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    Not sure what you mean. Look around to see lots more like Soros? Or look around to obtain more faith in humanity?

    Can U ‘splain?

  8. Satan is truly flaunting himself around the World without caution right now, Iv’e never even imagined he would achieve such Admiration and Representation as the Worlds Leaders and Entertainers.
    Soros is Satans Spawn !

  9. Hellloooo Dolly,
    I am one of the smahtist dudes
    on dis here site.I played wit hi power
    radio transmittias all my life.They say
    the intense radio frequencies did the damage
    and made me mental.Some times the personality
    BUTTHEADICUS comes out in me so don;t b feared….

  10. @Tim Buktu April 17, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    Pick your sin. Is it worse — your own personal morality, not speaking for anyone else — to do “it” for more wealth than you ever dared dream of actually having? Because dreaming that it might be, and having it not be, would be a greater agony than fearing to dream at all. Or is it worse to do the same, the very exact same, act, for nothing more than shits and giggles?

    George Soros is accused (accused) of committing what many people describe as heinous sins, for billions (pick your favorite currency). George Soros would be physically incapable of committing even half, even the least heinous half, of what he is accused of. And, since his billions are the “reason” given for his ability to “sin” so heinously, he can’t be doing “it” just for shits and giggles. No matter how much you accuse him of enjoying “it”. The people that actually do the “sins”, the hands on acts that are so heinous, do it for no more wealth than could be had sitting in a cubicle (it often is done sitting in a cubicle), or pumping out port-a-potties. It is often done for no more wealth than can be had watching CNN on the dole, or (for the ambitious strivers) asking people if they’d “like fries with that”.

    Which are more reprobate? Which are harder to imagine? If imagination fails you, if dreaming is too hard, which are easier to see? Actually see, with your own lying eyes.

  11. @geoff the aardvark April 17, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    > I for one will not shed a tear for this evil bastard. God, help me to not to gloat or take satisfaction when he does die

    I wish the same for you. It would be a literal tragedy for you to miss even a single moment of Utopia. With Soros gone, there will be no more evil in the world. Well, at least, no more Soros’ evil. All the vile blasphemies he inflicts on man… (sorry, Justin) personkind, will flee this mortal coil with his black soul. What a wonderful day it will be! (Thanks, Donald)

  12. God declared all he created was “good”. Not perfect, good. Soros thinks he can make the world perfect.

    Soros is the epitome of the person who thinks they know better than God.

  13. @Anonymous April 17, 2018 at 10:28 pm

    So my morality is no different than that of Soros? What is your evidence? The main difference is that he got rich and I didn’t?

    Why is Soros physically incapable of committing half the sins he is accused of? Sin or not, physicality is not likely a consideration. His actions regarding the Bank of England in the 1990s was probably done from overseas. He is not like Scrooge, who had to go to his “money changing hole” every day to earn a profit.

    Financiers do not actually create anything, they just move money around. Has Soros ever created any wealth? I think he just moved money, mostly to himself. Then, he gave a lot of it away to other evil people.

    What you call the S’s * G’s thing (I don’t want to spell it out because I don’t like the phrase) is possibly the way he sees it. Maybe it’s his reason, his hobby, his pastime. Presumably, he can live very well off his riches without needing more. But he continues to make a lot of money. How do you conclude he’s not doing it for S’s * G’s?

    That’s it for now. It’s an interesting discussion. I would like to continue it, after you respond.

  14. @Anonymous April 17, 2018 at 10:43 pm

    There will be other evils after Soros. No reason to stop fighting it. Before Soros, all rich people were evil, yes, evil, to liberals. What changed? They never let Rockefeller or Carnegie off the hook.

    I call Soros an evil man for a few things, but for mostly giving money to liberal politicians who have a well-known objective of making the US a part of some insane world order. I really don’t want to be considered to be the same political entity as Burkina Faso or Central Slobovia or whatever.

  15. That picture of Soros. Looks like he is about to pick his right nostril with the pinky finger of his right hand. In certain Third World hell-holes, some people would let the pinky fingernail grow long for that express purpose. Emulation is flattery, George, so pick away.

  16. Because Soreass eventually dies does not end it. In fact the distribution to his children and other offshoots established by him can in fact start multiples of him to the same evil results. His death perhaps creates more problems than his single directed efforts become multiple directors no longer answering to their master.

    But then what do I know? I’m just a little mouse.

  17. Grandiose thinking is a indicator of schizophrenia. He has a disturbed and evil mind. As sick as this prick is we still have a demonstration of the complexity of the human mind. He was able to generate extreme wealth with a savant intensity.


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