Armed woman arrested after breaching CIA’s Langley headquarters – IOTW Report

Armed woman arrested after breaching CIA’s Langley headquarters

WaEx: A Virginia woman arrested Friday for attempting to carry a loaded gun and backup ammunition onto CIA property in Langley, Va., is expected to make her first court appearance Tuesday.

Beth Huth, whose connection to the CIA remains unknown to the public, will appear before the U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va., Tuesday afternoon on a charge of knowingly possessing a firearm at a federal agency installation.

A report of the police affidavit states Huth passed “Restricted Area” and “Turn Around” signs outside the CIA headquarters and was confronted by an officer. She admitted to having a firearm in her vehicle.  read more

5 Comments on Armed woman arrested after breaching CIA’s Langley headquarters

  1. “…. the rights of the people shall not be infringed.” Cuck the FIA……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. “Huth had five rounds in the 9 mm pistol’s chamber and an additional five rounds in her purse.”

    Wow, that must be one of them high chamber capacity assault machine pistols.


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