Surgeons Remove Lighter From Man’s Stomach After 20 Years – IOTW Report

Surgeons Remove Lighter From Man’s Stomach After 20 Years


Doctors in China say they removed a lighter from a man’s stomach after 20 years.  A video recorded at a hospital in Chengdu City shows a camera entering the man’s stomach to find the metal lighter.  The man told doctors he accidentally swallowed it 20 years ago, but he didn’t go to the doctor until recently when he started having stomach aches and other medical problems. Watch

25 Comments on Surgeons Remove Lighter From Man’s Stomach After 20 Years

  1. Accidentally swallowed a lighter?
    Is this a Chinese thing? Should they have a warning on them: “DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH?” (only in chinese, of course).
    Or did it fall into his Won Ton and he gulped it down before realizing?

    Chinks: You can dress em up, but you can’t take em out!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. organgrinder at 2:30 pm

    “There’s a man in France that ate an entire 16.5 lb bicycle, this guys feat was a little lighter.”

    The fractels in plain sight. There is a Pic waiting ‘fur’ 52.
    So many elements here. Funny how this stuff works. Wait for it.

    Michel was a man of small doses, limiting his metal intake to a kilogram per day. It took him two years to eat an airplane. Here’s the full list of what he ate during his lifetime.

    18 Bicycles
    15 Shopping Carts
    8 Chandeliers
    7 Televisions
    2 Beds
    1 Pair of Skis
    1 Airplane
    1 Coffin
    1 Computer

    …and more than > 12,000 baguettes.

    baguettes (plural noun)
    a long, narrow loaf of French bread.
    a gem, especially a diamond, cut in a long rectangular shape.
    “a baguette diamond”
    synonyms: gem · gemstone · precious stone · semiprecious stone · [more]stone · brilliant · baguette · cabochon · sparkler · rock · bijou


    It’s a Sign Post up ahead…



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