Border Patrol Agents net close to $2M worth of marijuana – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Agents net close to $2M worth of marijuana BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Last Thursday, Fort Brown agents encountered a pickup that was stuck in an agriculture field after it was ferried across the Rio Grande near Brownsville, Texas. Agents detained the driver and discovered 24 bundles of marijuana in the bed of the pickup, weighing 576 pounds with an estimated street value of $460K.

This past Saturday evening, Harlingen agents working near Los Indios, Texas observed a suspicious vehicle leaving the Rio Grande with the headlights off.

Responding agents apprehended the driver after he struck an irrigation pipe in an attempt to evade. A total of 22 bundles of marijuana, weighing nearly 1,700 pounds with an estimated street value over $1.3M, were found inside the vehicle.

Both vehicles were seized and the marijuana will be turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and to help save lives by reporting suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.

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16 Comments on Border Patrol Agents net close to $2M worth of marijuana

  1. I love how the cops estimate the value of the drugs they confiscate:

    “Today, Federal agents seized several hundred kilos of cocaine, which they say could have
    a street value of a million trillion dollars.”

    Yeah, right.

  2. Bullshit bullshit bull shit
    2 million in a pickup truck….
    Semi-trailer yes, Pickup no.
    This is Laura Ingraham Level drug misrepresentation.
    I like Laura, she’s on my Team.
    But she is wrong about Cannibus.
    As are a few readers here.
    And she is on MY team not Her team.
    Team Trump has stated POTUS is for legalization.

  3. So many growers legal & illegal
    in many states.I am surprised it
    is still profitable to smuggle
    weed into the US.The bulk and weight.
    I would think uncut chemicals would
    be the way to go.

  4. Street value is easy to get a range on. You’d have to be a buyer to know the per ounce/gram price for whatever quality you’re looking at. Police have buyers. They know the street price. Why wouldn’t they have a fair idea of it’s value? It’s easy to check for accuracy – if you can do math.

    Let’s take the claim of 1,700 lbs and 1.3 mil value.

    1,300,000 divided by 1,700 = $764.71 per pound.

    $764.71 divided by 16 oz = $47.79 per ounce

    They must have judged that pot to be of low quality if they gave it that value. 4 ounces (1/4 lb) goes for $500 in East Dallas, if it’s good quality. $125.00 an ounce!

    Working the math backward if that seized pot was of that same good quality = $3,400,000.00 street value.

    I don’t pay much attention to what street value they place on stuff they seize. Too many variables unknown to me to make a fair call on it. Volume alone is what matters to me – it’s out of the system.

    Love failed crossings stories. 1,700 lbs means you need a truck with 1 ton capacity to not strain it. That little truck in the picture is a 1/2 ton. Morons from the start. Not all that surprised he ran into a stationary object with those planning skills.

  5. “Border Patrol Agents net close to $2M worth of marijuana …”

    Sooo … how much did they gross? Or is it “net” as in fish net?
    Did the Clintons and Soros get their cuts?
    And the Sheriff? And the Legislature? And the Captain?

    Weed was $15/ounce when I was a kid – the price has skyrocketed because of all the maggots who have to be paid off to keep the flow.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I am not at all for legalization, what I want is to decriminalize it.
    Grow all you want, smoke all you want, give away all you want, like summer zucchini.
    Sell it? Get busted on taxes, off to jail any time money changes hands, Barter Town is different.
    Presto, the cross boarder thing will prove no longer financially sound.
    No government license either, keep them out of the cycle.
    Government has a way of messing up even a wet dream.
    There are so many bigger fish in that pond than to worry about catching minnows.
    There are zero accounts of anybody ever ODing on pot.

  7. @Radioationman: My thoughts as well. Here in Oregon, there are so many assholes who have moved in an set up HUGE “legal” marijuana grows, most of which is being (illegally) exported to other states, I can’t imagine why it is still being imported from mexico. In fact, there is such a glut on the market, if it weren’t for the export trade to other states, most of these guys would already be out of business.

  8. Dadof4, thanks for the analytical post.

    Glad that I save so much money because I have no interest in ganja. I used to love crushing every engineering student that claimed he studied better high, and I wasn’t even an engineering major. Also, knowing that Jamaicans have never been, nor will never be, world beaters is enough for me. Party on!

  9. lol I like your scene, OTD. But this is going to give me a grin for a while:

    “I am not at all for legalization, what I want is to decriminalize it.”

    I’m not saying it’s legal, but you can’t get busted for it…

    I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it’s aliens…

    I think you were trying to say a finer thing than that.


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