Gov. Moonbeam Announces Mobilization of 400 National Guard Troops, Per Trump’s Order – IOTW Report

Gov. Moonbeam Announces Mobilization of 400 National Guard Troops, Per Trump’s Order

DC: California Governor Jerry Brown changed course Wednesday night and announced the mobilization of 400 National Guard troops to the border in compliance with orders from the White House.

Brown’s announcement comes after he apparently distanced himself from an April 11 authorization of 400 troops to be mobilized. The administration announced Monday that it would not provide troops over concerns they would provide too much direct support to immigration enforcement officials.

President Trump harshly criticized Brown the next day.

“Looks like Jerry Brown and California are not looking for safety and security along their very porous Border,” POTUS tweeted Tuesday morning. “He cannot come to terms for the National Guard to patrol and protect the Border. The high crime rate will only get higher. Much wanted Wall in San Diego already started!”  more here

13 Comments on Gov. Moonbeam Announces Mobilization of 400 National Guard Troops, Per Trump’s Order

  1. Gee Wally, maybe it’s cuz about 2/3rds of Californians can’t stand this Prick who’s trying to run their lives like a Third-World Socialist dictator… or maybe President Trump shook a big stick at him and told him life is about to get a lot poorer the State if he doesn’t comply!

    Yeah Beave, maybe it’s both.

  2. I was reminded that Brown is 80 years old. What is it with the Democrat party that they’re controlled by ancient dingbats – especially in California?

    Dianne Feinstein is 84.

    We need LESS access to medical care, not more.

  3. Apparently, there’s been an update since that title was first written.

    UPDATE (8:50 pm ET): Governor Brown’s office reached out to The Daily Caller to deny having “reversed” the original April 11 order, as was reported in an earlier version of this piece.

    “The governor has not ‘reversed’ any decision, there has been no ‘flip’ or ‘change of heart’ and there was no ‘announcement’ Monday that [a previous authorization] would no longer be the case,” a spokesman said in a statement.

  4. I’m no expert on this, but once the Guard is mobilized, they take their orders from DOD, not the Governor, so Moonbeam cannot put any conditions on their mission. Am i right?

  5. Guess Governor Shit-for-Brains talked to a constitutional lawyer who informed him that the POTUS could take full control of the California National Guard with a simple executive order. You see, when your national guard gets trained, equipped, and armed by the US military, it doesn’t come for free, you fucking retards.

    BTW, this is also why the National Guard is not the same as a Militia.


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