Collusion, Anyone? – IOTW Report

Collusion, Anyone?

As the likelihood that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia seems headed toward zero, the likelihood of proof of a different form of collusion seems headed upward toward certainty.

The Russia collusion charge had some initial credibility because of businessman Donald Trump’s dealings in Russia and candidate Trump’s off-putting praise of Vladimir Putin.



It was fueled by breathless media coverage of such trivial events as Jeff Sessions’ conversation with the Russian ambassador at a Washington reception — and, of course, by the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel. But Mueller’s prosecutions of Trump campaign operatives were for misdeeds long before the campaign, and his indictment of 13 Russians specified that no American was a “knowing participant” in their work.

Now there’s talk that Mueller is winding up his investigation. It seems unlikely that whatever he reports will fulfill the daydreams so many liberals have of making Trump go the way of Richard Nixon.more here

8 Comments on Collusion, Anyone?

  1. Bob, remember the third debate, when Hillary blabbed about how long it takes to launch a missile? If you google “Hillary Debate Missile”, you get all the fact-checkers frantically explaining why that is not classified info. These Dem skanks sure do like to blab about missiles.

  2. What’s good for the Gander, should be good for the Goose as well
    Raid her, her lawyers houses, Huma’s house, that other one, Hell, go cavity search Wiener and everybody on his cell block

  3. If Mueller doesn’t have plenty of evidence in his hands of the DNC’s criminal acts he’s got shit for brains.
    And if he choses to give the Left a pass on all the lawlessness, then he is as criminal as any of them.

    Time’s up for him to show his work.


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