German Regions Deported Just 10 Jihadis, [745 Known Jihadis Still in Country] – IOTW Report

German Regions Deported Just 10 Jihadis, [745 Known Jihadis Still in Country]

Geller Report: This is the poison fruit of Merkel’s suicidal immigration policies. She will go down in history as the worst German Chancellor since Adolf Hitler. Germany better beware. 745 is likely a conservative estimate.

More jihad terror attacks are coming in Germany, thanks to Merkel’s reckless, feckless, and suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration.

Here’s is a warning from a German ex-Muslim:

“Since 2017 German Regions Deported Just Ten Radical Islamic Extremists,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, April 14, 2018:

New figures released by the German Interior Ministry at the request of a Free Democratic Party (FDP) MP show that the regional governments have only deported 10 foreign radical Islamic extremists while 745 extremists in total still remain in the country.

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