Comey Round-Up – IOTW Report

Comey Round-Up

DeSantis: IG Probe Of Comey ‘Probably Just The Beginning’.

“By leaking two classified memos for political purposes, Comey will have a hard time demonstrating that his actions were lawful,” DeSantis wrote.  DeSantis was one of 11 Republican congressmen who signed a letter to the DOJ on Wednesday, referring Comey for criminal investigation.  Article here


Whitewater Independent Counsel: Comey Is ‘Coming Unhinged’.

Former Whitewater independent counsel Robert Ray said James Comey is “coming unhinged” during an appearance on Fox Business Friday.

Ray addressed the release of Comey’s private memos and what bearing they might have on the conversation going forward.

Host Maria Bartiromo began the segment by noting that President Donald Trump appeared to feel vindicated by the memos, tweeting to that effect just after their publication.  MORE


Comey Memos: FBI Director Vouched Four Times for Integrity of Accused Liar Andrew McCabe.

On four separate occasions, ex-FBI Director James Comey vouched to President Trump for the alleged integrity and professionalism of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to Comey’s newly-released personal memos.

On Thursday, the Justice Department inspector general (IG) referred McCabe to Washington’s top federal prosecutor after the IG’s report found that McCabe had lied to investigators or Comey four times, including on three occasions where McCabe was under oath.

McCabe also faced controversy over a much-debated text message from FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who helped lead the bureau’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email server. According to the four-page Republican House Intelligence Committee memo authored by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the Strzok message reportedly referred to “a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an ‘insurance’ policy against President Trump’s election.”  more



Ann Coulter: ‘Not Sure I Trust James Comey as a Reliable Narrator’ — ‘A Gigantic, Pompous Fruitcake’.

When asked about the Comey memos, Coulter said, “I’m not sure I trust James Comey as a reliable narrator. Mostly based on him just being a gigantic, pompous fruitcake. And every interaction I think he has, from the time he was in kindergarten, was him bravely speaking truth to power.” LISTEN


6 Comments on Comey Round-Up

  1. If Comey gets anything like what happened to Job he’s in deep doodoo. And I don’t think he will will be humble and contrite before the Lord like Job was either. He thinks he’s far too important for that and keeps on digging a deeper and deeper hole that he’ll never be able to get out of. The man is his own worst enemy.

  2. Again and again, these criminal democRAT party criminals brag about and continue their malfeasance, MacCabe and Comey stating that they will never be prosecuted is exactly what will happen. None of them are.

    What happened to the Wasserman Schultz Pakistani criminals and those who allowed it? Hillary, obamination, Menendez, Holder, Lerner, Huma, Waters, all of those Congress persons protected by their own, with hush payouts using taxpayer funds; where’s that list?

    The DC cabal of aristocrats are above us deplorables. We have reverted to feudal times, including using the depolrabe’s childern as pawns, soldiers, and for whatever sexual appetite the swamp dwelling aristocracy chooses. We send them Tributes like in the “Hunger Games”, to serve as ‘interns’. Sometimes they don’t come home.

    When will we say ENOUGH and give President Trump the support he needs to hose the place out and disinfect it?


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