Feminist Says Transgender Ideology is Incoherent Intimidation – IOTW Report

Feminist Says Transgender Ideology is Incoherent Intimidation

BREITBART: Pro-transgender advocacy is a tornado of incoherent claims and political intimidation, says a far-left feminist author who volunteered to write a review of a new book about the transgender ideology.

“Whether or not it was the author’s intention, Trans* feels like an attempt at an outline of such explanation, but I’m sorry to report that the book offers neither clarity nor coherence,” writes Robert Jensen, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin and the author of The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on Feminist Says Transgender Ideology is Incoherent Intimidation

  1. If they ever actually identify a gene that determines a persons sexual identity (how they perceive themselves not the physical one) transgendered people would cease to exist on the planet in three or four generations (at least in the west) because with abortion so readily available even the left wouldn’t want the added problems that go along with raising a child like that. I’d hazard a guess and say the only way they would continue would be through parents that value a child as a gift from God no matter the attendant problems that come with it. The exact same people the left would like to eradicate. Oh, and if there is a “gay” gene the gay population better hope it’s never discovered for the same reasons.


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