‘Fearless Bull’ moved closer to the NYSE – IOTW Report

‘Fearless Bull’ moved closer to the NYSE

BREITBART: The “Charging Bull” creator protested the introduction of “Fearless Girl,” which he claimed distorted the meaning of his piece.

“Fearless Girl” by Kristen Visbal was installed across from Wall Street’s bronze “Charging Bull” for International Women’s Day in March 2017. It was originally commissioned by State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), in order to draw attention to its “gender diversity index” fund and highlight the role of women in the business world.

Now, SSGA is preparing to move the statue closer to the New York Stock Exchange, after extended protest from another iconic work of New York art. Artist Arturo Di Modica, creator of the 11-foot-tall, 7,100-pound bronze “Charging Bull,” has argued against the placement of the SSGA’s commission, claiming that it was little more than an advertising gimmick which distorted the original intent of his piece — changing it from a symbol of prosperity to one of villainy. MORE

SNIP: Oh, hell no…Excuse me.  I’d like to start some crap.
*pulls pin*
Why is she a ‘white girl’ statue? Where is the ‘black girl’ statue???

12 Comments on ‘Fearless Bull’ moved closer to the NYSE

  1. If it’s in nyc there’s a high probability that I’ll never see either. I don’t care for the place and god forbid that I’ll ever return. So that’s their business. Whatever.

  2. How dare anyone assume the sexual orientation of the “fearless” figure. Why for all we know that’s transgender Frederica standing tall against the patriarch that the child was once a part of.

  3. That girl sculpture isn’t well done and lacks the design and intensity of the charging bull. The bull is iconic and the artist has every right to be ticked off about it.

  4. I think the little girl statue is denigrating females. She is not “fearless”, she is STUPID! No intelligent person of either sex would stand in front of a charging bull.

  5. I liked it.

    I liked it better to see the pissiness and whining as usual out of a piece of shit city. Now let the lawyers have at it as normal.

    New yawk values……

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