Dems running scared in California? – IOTW Report

Dems running scared in California?

American Thinker: I know, I know: California is supposed to be the bluest of blue states. But the law of unintended consequences is at work and there’s trouble in paradise for Democrats – even beyond the embarrassing fact that their absolute control over the state government seems to have produced the highest poverty rate in the nation. This isn’t just embarrassing; The Dems are worried that they could actually lose some races that matter. The New York Times baldly headlines:

Fearing Chaos, National Democrats Plunge Into Midterm Primary Fights

The article covers more than California, but the Golden State is the main event. Here is the nub of the issue for Dems:

…the state’s nonpartisan primaries present a unique hazard: State law requires all candidates to compete in the same preliminary election, with the top two finishers advancing to November. In a crowded field, if Democrats spread their votes across too many candidates, two Republicans could come out on top and advance together to the general election.

And, as it happens, the political fevers animating the Dems during the Trump presidency, and the experience of Bernie Sanders running an insurgency that almost worked, have attracted a lot of people to a first time run for office as a Dem. And, the visible thumb on the scale squelching the Sandernistas in favor of Hillary (ask Donna Brazile) makes interference from the national party pooh-bahs anathema to lots of grass roots Dems. MORE HERE

20 Comments on Dems running scared in California?

  1. This assumes The Republicans are adroit enough to pull it off, they’re not. They couldn’t organize a one car parade. I miss the state of Jefferson boundaries by 2 counties, I would move.

  2. Rich Taylor

    What county are you in? If Jefferson ever became a reality watch other counties join quickly.
    I live in El Dorado County and you can’t swing a dead cat and not hit a Jefferson sign.

  3. “The Dems are worried that they could actually lose some races that matter.”

    Well, they’ve lost the Whites and the Asians, and they’re working on losing the Blacks, so…


  4. Bad_Brad

    Solano county, just a bit south of the border. My first instinct, given all the flaming libs that surround me, would be that they would never leave, it is part of the Bay Area.

    I think of the whole idea of The State of Jefferson is meant to give us normal folks tired of living in the land of the heathen false hope.

    If on the ballot come November I will vote for it and if all the stars align I would move in a heartbeat, not holding my breath.

  5. Rich Taylor

    I know Solano county well. We sell to ASP, Ammo Supply Point, now a gun ranges/FFL, and Cordelia Gun Exchange. They constantly complain about the politics. I think you will need to move.

  6. I’ve been talking about bailing out of this bankrupt morally bereft state for years. I absolutely hate the politics and the high taxes, but love the weather. Moving a bit north would be an easy compromise [fingers crossed]

  7. Rich Taylor

    The three state proposal that seems to be moving forward is a dead loser. You would end up with three separate states still controlled by the heavily populated Socialist ass holes. Jefferson is the answer. I’m a Cali native and would hate to leave. But we are looking hard at Prescott and north of there.

  8. Lived here the last 90% of my life, I would hate to move as well, but the state is literally going bankrupt. Between the already high taxes, the unemployment rate, the poverty rate and the illegals getting benefits, not to mention the ticking time bomb that is the unfunded pension liability, the state is dying and nobody in power is smart enough to see it.

    It deserves every humility, I just don’t want to be around when it happens.

    I blue state with normal people, normal rate of taxation, and no hurricanes or tornadoes, that would suit me just fine.

  9. Rich,

    The problem is… At the Federal level, even if the State of Jefferson successfully forms, they’ll still have something of a pension problem. The Federal Courts will hold Jefferson to the pensions promised by Gray Davis.


  10. Kali Refugee in Texas
    Review that purposed split. Northern California would include the Bay Area, including SF. We can’t overcome those numbers. Central Cal includes the LA basin. They can’t overcome those numbers. Inland Southern Cal has a chance.

  11. Brad,

    Agreed. It’s almost a stealth take over. You get 4 Blue Senator’s, and maybe one Red one Blue… The other 49 need to consider this and block it if they can. If it passes… Texas and Alaska need to consider splitting just to counter it.


  12. This is a trap, do not fall for it.
    Leave California as one state and limit the harm this toxic state can do.
    Also, CA needs to be stripped of about 15-20 electoral votes and about a dozen house members.
    The state is inflating our number of representatives by using illegals to bulk up our population numbers.
    Somebody needs to put a stop to that bullshit.


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