Trump Is Right: A ‘Pakistani Mystery Man’ Has Documents Wasserman Schultz Didn’t Want Prosecutors To See – IOTW Report

Trump Is Right: A ‘Pakistani Mystery Man’ Has Documents Wasserman Schultz Didn’t Want Prosecutors To See

DC: A key, if under-covered, aspect of the “Pakistani mystery man” story is that Imran Awan, the Pakistani-born IT aide of former DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, took a laptop with username RepDWS after he was banned from the House computer network for “unauthorized access to data,” and then left it in a phone booth with a letter to prosecutors.

On Friday, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats. This can be good news in that we will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery man and Clinton Emails.”

Trump appears to have accurately identified a key issue with the “Pakistani mystery man” that comes straight from court documents.

  • Lawyers for Pakistani-born Imran Awan currently have a copy of the contents of a laptop with the username RepDWS
  • Wasserman Schultz wanted to block prosecutors from seeing what was on it
  • Imran’s lawyers have attempted to set up a situation where it is up to Imran whether prosecutors can see the laptop, claiming “attorney client privilege”
  • Other analysts say the laptop should be fair game for review

Each twist has increased the intrigue:  MORE

9 Comments on Trump Is Right: A ‘Pakistani Mystery Man’ Has Documents Wasserman Schultz Didn’t Want Prosecutors To See

  1. Geez oh, I’m really conflicted here. Do I make a popcorn re supply run? Or dig out a copy of Charlie Brown, Lucy & the football and remind myself about how the attempt to kick the field goal always turns out?

  2. This whole mess needs to prosecuted for the treason that it is, but I get the impression that they are slow-walking this to the next administration hoping to get it all thrown out and I can’t help wondering how many Republicans are worried that they might get swept up in it! Why else is it being “ignored”?

  3. Reboot: When you say “Grab it, strip it, and hang it for the world to see.”

    I really hope that “it” isn’t Debbie Washyourtwat Schultz… Hanging her nude would be inhumane for the world to see. Hanging her in private, acceptable.

  4. Give Ol’ Chris Christy a shot at the AG job.
    He is just the kind of asshole we need in that position.
    He will tear their meat houses down (just so he can get some snacks)

  5. If they can ignore President Trump’s attorney-client privileges certainly they can ignore those of a Pakistani mystery man and just raid his lawyer’s office and get all kinds of intelligence.
    See how that works?

  6. Dems have never cared about our national security and this is just another example. China wouldn’t be at our throat today if not for Clinton disseminating some of our most closely guarded secrets. Obama willingly giving Russia info about nuclear sub missile numbers here and in England, and the list goes on.
    The fact that they never pay for the treachery means there will be plenty more.

  7. i predict: many accidents will happen to many people involved in this incident soon.
    let the dumpster fires continue and, get your popcorn ready. because, all will be revealed.
    man makes plans and god laughs!


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