DHS Chief Promises Swift Detention, Deportation Of ‘Caravan’ Migrants – IOTW Report

DHS Chief Promises Swift Detention, Deportation Of ‘Caravan’ Migrants

Daily Caller: Immigration authorities will closely scrutinize asylum seekers traveling in a caravan to the U.S. border and swiftly detain and deport those who don’t have credible claims, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen promised Monday.

Potential illegal immigrants would face stiff legal consequences if they crossed the border without authorization, Nielsen warned in a statement.

“If members of the ‘caravan’ enter the country illegally, they will be referred for prosecution for illegal entry in accordance with existing law,” she said in a statement. “For those seeking asylum, all individuals may be detained while their claims are adjudicated efficiently and expeditiously, and those found not to have a claim will be promptly removed from the United States.”

Nielsen’s comments came after President Donald Trump said earlier Monday he had instructed her to take steps to prevent similar caravans from entering the country.

“Despite the Democrat inspired laws on Sanctuary Cities and the Border being so bad and one sided, I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country,” Trump said on Twitter. “It is a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so naive! WALL”  MORE

10 Comments on DHS Chief Promises Swift Detention, Deportation Of ‘Caravan’ Migrants

  1. @grool and everyone: Here is Nielsen’s official statement regarding the “caravan” — sounds so benign, doesn’t it?


    The big problem is with the legal loopholes that Congress, so far, refuses to address and correct. Can’t think of any other country where all you have to do is say you fear for your life in the country you’re coming from and we have to take you in. And those aiding these marauders are coaching them in exactly what to claim. At least DHS is going to look into each of these claims rather than just wave them in this time.

  2. These people have had plenty of time to be well coached on exactly what to say to qualify for asylum. It’s all bullshit. Just living in a shithole country is not grounds for asylum.


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