Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence – IOTW Report

Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence

DC: Longtime Republican strategist Roger Stone and his lawyers intend to try and examine the Democratic National Committee’s servers for evidence of Russian hacking amid an ongoing lawsuit, he told The Daily Caller Monday.

The DNC sued the 2016 Trump campaign, Stone, Manafort, Wikileaks and other involved entities Friday alleging an illegal conspiracy with the Russian government. The lawsuit “is based on conjecture, supposition and projection with no evidence, facts or proof,” Stone said in an email to TheDC.

“The DNC lawsuit opens the door of discovery. My lawyers and I want to examine the DNC servers to settle this bogus claim of Russian hacking once and for all,” Stone declared. read more

7 Comments on Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence

  1. I know Democrats are stupid, but it surprises me that this suit opens them up for close scrutiny. Maybe they were hoping Kimba Woods was going to be the judge and allow them to do whatever they wanted without allowing the defendants a thing.

  2. I’m not so sure they didn’t see this coming and went to great effort to eliminate any possibility of things being found. Lost/destroyed servers, etc. Have to hope things are backed up somewhere and we have the ability to find them. They only know one way to play and it’s dirty.

  3. They want to play dirty? Then it’s time to unleash the dogs of war! Raid their (DNC) headquarters and the offices of their lawyers (before they can destroy more evidence)!! That is nuclear!

  4. No, it is not that they didn’t see this coming so much as ‘this is all they got left’.
    Telling this tale for a long time.
    It’s so obvious now,
    People are starting to hear.

  5. My daughter served on a jury, several months ago, in a case against Roger Stone alleging defamation. The plaintiff was filed by some loser, non-name, former political candidate. I forget the name. So would you. My daughter did not know who Stone was until after the trial.

    The jury took less than three hours to find in Stone’s favor.
    During the trial, she, and the rest of the jury, thought Stone seemed like a decent and credible man.

    Later, she did some research, and was surprised by what she learned.

    Stone had a kick ass, very expensive, trial team. The sort Comey, McCabe, Clinto, etc. etc. are spending money on right now.
    I wish I had been on the jury, but that ain’t gonna happen.


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