UK: Government Run Healthcare Sentences Another Child to Death – IOTW Report

UK: Government Run Healthcare Sentences Another Child to Death

AMAC- In his failed presidential bid, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ran on a platform of socialized medicine, and he is still pushing the issue in the Senate today. The Senator and his fellow travelers hailed government-controlled healthcare as the solution to all problems, despite glaring failures of socialism around the world. For the second time in less than a year, a nation with government-controlled healthcare has sentenced a child to death, and the question must be asked. Why are Democrats trying to infect the U.S. with the same disease that is killing children in the U.K.?

If you have been paying attention to international news, you likely know about British child Alfie Evans. Alfie is the 23-month-old child of Tom and Kate James. Alfie has been at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital since December 2016. The doctors have been unable to diagnose what is wrong with him, but believe it could be a rare degenerative neurological condition, the same condition Charlie Gard had. Another child the U.K. sentenced to death.  MORE

18 Comments on UK: Government Run Healthcare Sentences Another Child to Death

  1. And if you’re in the UK and comment negatively on the baby’s Death Panel decision, you are opening yourself up to criminal action.

    Coming to America in 3… 2… 1…

  2. Never give up your guns nor knives nor any other implement one could use to send the bureaucrats responsible for this monstrous evil straight to hell if that kid dies. Un-fucking-believable how beaten down by government psychological conditioning the white UK public is. Fucking tragic. The muzzies would never tolerate this shit, and they’d fucking have some goddamn heads on pikes over it too. That’s why UK bureaucrats don’t fuck with them.

    Government should live in terror of pissing off the people; not view such behavior as a fucking sport.

  3. So, I joined Twitter. What an eye opener. It’s the root of all evil. The battle ground. Conservative Posters get trolled to death there. My goal on twitter is not to start something with lots of followers but rather to snipe assholes. Palin just posted this story and you can’t believe the Libtard responses. “There’s no such thing as death panels bitch”. So I posted back, “Your kids next”. Holy shit, whining, crying, threats. I’m wondering how far I can push this before I get banned. Any advise?

  4. I haven’t signed up, but a couple friends have, plus you, also a friend. Talk about being out numbered. I hope you do some good. I’m looking forward to hearing about it. I’ll join if there is a good reason, but if you and everyone else I know gets shut down I don’t know what the point is.

  5. joe6pak

    Signing up isn’t much. I’m still trying to figure the stuff out. But after watching and reading what’s going on I think the most damage conservatives can do is just what I said above. Watch the conservative people and snipe the assholes. I’m currently of the opinion that most of these Libtards attacking the conservatives are 13 years old. I say that because I’ve gone after a few and they disappear. Tomi Lahren and Sarah Palin are just brutalized. I’m sure there’s many more. We need to jump in. Pinko is right.

  6. Another good example of why you don’t let your government take your guns. This story gets more disturbing by the minute. One of the doctors was quted in saying that the parents would need a “Sea Change” in attitude before they would be willing to let Alfie go home to die. That guy needs killen.

  7. Little Alfie may have been damaged by his baby vaccinations, but that is a no-no to admit. Alfie has been totally given the opportunity to be taken to Italy for medical care to maybe save his life. The UK government has refused to let this happen. Quite possibly because malpractice medical treatment at this hospital would be exposed if the child were examined by other doctors. A typical way to eliminate corruption exposure is to make sure the victim not only dies quickly, but is often cremated so no incriminating evidence can be left. This may seem far-fetched, but we are talking about medical/government corruption in which there are no ethics, no constraints required of participants.

  8. We cared for two grandchildren diagnosed with Spinocerebellar ataxia 7, a degenerative terminal disease. Before our grandson was diagnosed, he was admitted to Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. He remained medicated, unconscious and on a ventilator for 30 days before being diagnosed. He remained in that state for several months for treatment, although there are no cures.
    The decision to stop the respirator was always in the hands of the Parents, Barnes never pushed or recommended a decision needed to be made.
    Our granddaughter was tested and was positive for the same terminal disease. As a family the decision was made for her to stay at home.
    My wife and I cared for her 24/7 for about 7 months. In the last 30 days of her life she died twice and we were able to bring her back.
    Her medical condition worsened before she passed away.
    Jarren died at the age of 18 months, JayLynn was buried on her first birthday.
    The State or Hospital, outside of consultation, have no right to make end of life decisions. By doing so, they further increase emotional trauma and helplessness of the parents and family.
    I agree with the parents that all avenues should be pursued to save a child’s life.
    Even in the worse case scenarios, the medical profession will learn more about the disease and hopefully find a way to cure it in the future.

  9. EVERY morning when I wake up, I hit my knees praying this beautiful little baby lives and our Lord completely heals him and then He shoves it up these coward ass mother fucking British assholes asses, sideways!
    In the REAL world, the “men” would have stormed this hospital, took out whomever gets in their way, and put that little boy and his family on a plane to ANYWHERE else!
    This truly shames me to be from there, my parents are Scot and Irish, and I simply cannot believe the “men” in the UK haven’t put these assholes heads on pikes as a warning to anyone else who tries this shit!
    Go fucking medieval on these mother fuckers and pike every one of them!!!
    I’m not a very emotional kinda’ guy, this made ME cry! And it pisses me off!
    He’s just a baby, he has a right to live his life the best he can!!!


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