Iran’s mullahs whimper about ‘bullying’ – IOTW Report

Iran’s mullahs whimper about ‘bullying’

American Thinker: In an April 24 news conference, President Trump and French president Emmanuel Macron narrowed their rift toward the current state of the Iran deal, known as the JCPOA.  Macron defended discussions with Trump for a new plan to curb Iranian nuclear weapons.  Speaking to reporters before leaving Washington on Wednesday night, the French president said the new four-pronged agreement would be a “very important complement” to the existing 2015 accord.

This new framework will add measures curbing Iran’s nuclear drive after 2025, when “sunset clauses” are set to pass away, terminating the regime’s ballistic missile program and ruling in an end to its malign regional meddling as a criterion for the revised deal.

By April 26, 2018, Iran’s supreme leader had reacted to this news conference and called on Muslim nations to unite against the United States, saying Tehran would never yield to “bullying,” state television reported on Thursday.

It seems that Iran’s supreme leader has forgotten the meaning of the word “bullying.”  Bullying is a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others.  Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose, usually more than once; feels bad because of it; and has a hard time stopping what is happening to him.  We also have different types of bullying to consider: verbal bullying, social bullying, physical bullying…

Iran’s supreme leader must know that bullying is now institutionalized in Iran by clergymen.

Let’s take a glance at what has happened in Iran the last week, starting with physical bullying.

6 Comments on Iran’s mullahs whimper about ‘bullying’

  1. Aw. It breaks my heart that Iran’s leaders feel like they are being bullied by Trump.

    In order to put this matter into its proper perspective, you need only to ask yourself what would happen if the power situation between the U.S. and Iran were reversed. Would we be discussing “bullying” right now, or would our irradiated asses be dragging themselves through a nuclear wasteland?

    I think everyone knows the answer to that question, and it’s only the thought of doing that themselves that keeps the Iranians at the negotiating table today.

    Best not push things too far, Muzzies. Obama’s not Preezy any more.

  2. You can put all the blame on Jimma Carta and the democraps for deposing the Shah and bringing the Ayatollah Khomeni into power in the late 70’s. Prior to that Iran was our ally, maybe the Shah was a supposed bad guy but he was far preferable to the Ayatollahs in power now. In the Spring of 1974 the US Navy sent the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 to the Persian Gulf (Gulf of Iran) as a show of American power. I was there standing inspection on the flight deck and got to see the Shah and a lot of top Navy brass etc. inspecting us before we put on an airshow for him. We were also selling the Iranians brand new F-14 Tomcats then. So how has all your so called human rights violations worked out for you and the rest of the free world Mr. Peanut?


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