‘We Love You Trump!’ – IOTW Report

‘We Love You Trump!’

Daily Caller: President Trump spoke to a crowd of supporters in Washington Township, Michigan on Saturday.

“We love you Trump!” a member of the audience said.

“I love you too,” the president responded.

During his speech, he touched on a number of issues, including crime, immigration, and trade.

“Everyone here tonight is united by the same timeless American values. We defend our constitution. We support the rule of law. And we support the heroes of law enforcement,” he said.

“And if others honored our flag, they would be a lot better off, wouldn’t they? Wouldn’t that be a lot better off? We put our hands on our hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance, and we do that proudly. And we stand for the national anthem.”

14 Comments on ‘We Love You Trump!’

  1. I think he covered every major topic and pulled not one punch. It was PDT at his finest.

    Meanwhile, in the other Washington,
    the Press Corpse was awarding James Clapper with some award as I am hearing. And no, I didn’t misspell corpse.

  2. That’s what Trump needs to do. Challenge Tester’s man hood. Who does that. Tester sold his sole. I can’t think of anything much more chicken shit. Congrats Tester, you’re a good little Democrat.

  3. And all the whining little bitches suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are going to have to wrap their heads with Ace bandages and hope their heads don’t explode. BASTARDS!

  4. joe6pak

    Joe, you gotta join twitter. I swore I never would. Did it on this forum many times. I was wrong. That IS the battle ground. There’s a lot of good conservatives there that need our support.

  5. Brad, if you tell us you are not banned a week from now I’ll probably join. I don’t want to, but I see the wisdom of taking them on. If you’re banned in a week I’ll know it’s not the right venue. Good luck!

  6. joe6pak

    My plan was not so set up a shrine on my “Page”. There’s nothing there. You start following conservative sights and wait for the attack. I could be dead wrong but that’s what I’ve been doing for the last two weeks. And Ive found some outstanding conservatives there.

  7. Brad, OK that makes sense. Once you sign up you can comment but you don’t need disclose your address or kids names? That’s where I would draw the line. How about that blue check mark, how do you get that? Do you want that?

  8. joe6pak

    An e mail address or cell phone number and a password. Do they have the ability to suck the rest of your info out of thin air. Maybe. They will enjoy the fxck out of me when they find me. Mean while, like I say, in my opinion, that is the battle ground. We need to all jump in and turn the tide. Start at obvious places.


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