German Jews Advised to Not Wear Yarmulkes in Public – IOTW Report

German Jews Advised to Not Wear Yarmulkes in Public

Dangerous: German Jews are warning their own people against wearing yarmulkes in public due to a rise in anti-Semitic attacks.

Josef Schuster, who is president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, spoke to Berlin public radio to advise Jews to be careful in big cities. He said:

“Defiantly showing your colours would in principle be the right way to go [to tackle anti-Semitism]. Nevertheless, I would advise individual people against openly wearing a kippah in big German cities. […] This is not only about anti-Semitism – it goes along with racism, it goes along with xenophobia. You need a clear stop sign here.”

His comments come after two young men wearing yarmulkes, also called kippahs, were assaulted in Berlin last week. The assault was caught on video, with the attacker shouting anti-Semitic abuse.  more

13 Comments on German Jews Advised to Not Wear Yarmulkes in Public

  1. This is no different to the most-utilized reason for Muslim women to wear abbayah: to keep themselves from being violated. They have to endure a clothing/apparel restriction to avoid someone else’s bad behavior.

    German girls have to wear certain clothes to avoid being raped. They have to stay in a “protective circle.” They can no longer walk in certain areas.

    And now German Jews here have to adjust what they wear, because somehow it’s impossible to control, punish or eliminate those who assault them, so THEY have to be punished by making themselves more invisible when abroad.

    What’s the next step, barring them from certain places? Telling them not to go out after 20:00? A new set of Nürnberger laws, but no worries because it’s all, like they tell Muslim women, all for “your protection.” Such complete and utter horse shit.

  2. OpenTheDoor – They were and still are referred to as Hitler’s Arabs and I can’t help but think that old Commie shrew Merkel knows it all too well!
    Won’t be long before the Jews will be required to wear yellow stars…

  3. Sooooo … the Jews are warned about showing any outward sign of Jewishness while the filthy fukkin ragheads DEMAND the “right” to wear burkas while having their driver’s license photo made and the “right” to rape German toddlers?

    Why does this seem a tad ill-omened?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Mr. Fink, Dad was in North Africa for the war, he gave be some sage advice when I was about 14.
    He told me to never trust a Muslim, didn’t understand at the time, got it now.

  5. OpenTheDoor – Sounds like your Dad had first hand experience which is always the best kind. Mine is only from reading and observing, but history show us what muzlims have been for 1400 years. Now I have no crystal ball, but I would bet good money that 1400 years from now they’ll be exactly the same because they have set up a fascist political state disguised as a “religion” based on xenophobia, misogyny, brutality, and Arab Supremacy, fueled by hatred. Nothing grows where islam goes, except indiscriminate mindless mutilation, death and destruction by a bunch of equal-opportunity haters.
    You can’t change it.
    You don’t coddle it.
    You don’t negotiate with it.
    You send it back to the Hell it came from by killing it!
    Anyone who thinks we’re not in a war with them is fooling themselves and 33,014 deadly terror attacks (and a whole lot more dead bodies) since 9/11 is the proof!


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