Feminist Politics: Theater of the Absurd – IOTW Report

Feminist Politics: Theater of the Absurd

American Thinker– The ease with which the left corrupts history and preys upon the young and dim never ceases to bother me.

Take this example.  Emily Zanotti at The Daily Wire reminds us of a popular movement during Trump’s presidential campaign, with the hashtag (because any modern sloganeering requires such things) #VoteTrumpGetDumped.  The idea was expressed in a way that today’s enlightened feminist, with attention spans measured by nanoseconds, might grasp the gist of before taking the first sip of her skinny, organic skim milk-infused caramel macchiato.

“Join us by wielding your influence,” the marketing asked of its female readers in 2016.  “Until Trump is defeated, we don’t date, sleep with, or canoodle with Trump supporters.”

That “influence” is…well, you don’t need it spelled out.  But just in case you do, there’s an image of a woman’s defiantly crossed legs emblazoned.

There’s an inherently sexist implication in assuming that the greatest power a woman has lies between her legs.  Think of your wife, your mother, your sister, or any woman that you know and respect.  Does her greatest gift to the world lie in her sexual potency, or in her other values, as we human beings appraise them?  Her mind, her talents, the other intangible things which should demand her respect beyond what the feminists believe her greatest bargaining chip to be – don’t those things matter more?  more here

12 Comments on Feminist Politics: Theater of the Absurd

  1. Gee Wally, whut are they gonna do when the opportunity to hate Trump goes away?

    Well Beave, they’ll just find a nuther successful Conservative to hate!
    After all, what right do Conservatives think they have shattering Liberal mediocrity and mendacity!

  2. Anon – exactly. There is a fat, ill-mannered slob of a woman who lives on my street, and she has put a big ‘NASTY WOMAN” poster in the front window of her house. The rest of the women on the street just laugh at her…as if we needed that sign to tell us how nasty she is. Everybody already knew.

  3. Leave it to progs to reduce women to two camps. Kinda tells you how they value people overall, yes? I mean, if only we could shoot guns with our ladybits, they’d be on to something. Too bad the brainwashed wymmins will never get it.

  4. Don’t they realize that the vast majority of Trump supporters are happily married couples and the men are faithful to their wives?

    Progressive nasty leftist women were never even a choice.

  5. “There’s an inherently sexist implication in assuming that the greatest power a woman has lies between her legs.”

    It’s actually not sexist of them, but it is hypocritical. Feminists have always known, as all women learn sooner or later, where a woman’s greatest influence over a man lies. They’re not really offended by that fact — it’s the (by design) male prerogative in sex that they hate. But as long as they, the feminists, control ALL aspects of sex, for everyone not just themselves, they have no problems with it.

    It’s all about greed, resentment and control for leftists. Everything about them can be reduced to and explained by those factors.

  6. Does her greatest gift to the world lie in her sexual potency, or in her other values, as we human beings appraise them? Her mind, her talents, the other intangible things which should demand her respect beyond what the feminists believe her greatest bargaining chip to be – don’t those things matter more?

    In a feminist!? Stop! STOP! I’m gonna’ DAMMIT!

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