House GOP chair calls for investigation into FBI’s Clinton Foundation probe – IOTW Report

House GOP chair calls for investigation into FBI’s Clinton Foundation probe


A top House Republican is calling for a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into allegations that the FBI was pressured by the Obama administration to shut down a probe into the Clinton Foundation during the 2016 presidential election.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday raising issues related to some of the claims laid out by a scathing inspector general report on Andrew McCabe, the fired FBI deputy director.

“I have serious concerns that the Department, during the Obama Administration, attempted to obstruct justice by attempting to inappropriately terminate an FBI investigation on the Clinton Foundation,” Goodlatte wrote. “Under the facts laid out by the DOJ Inspector General (IG), it is shocking to hear that the Obama Department of Justice may have allowed politics to dictate what cases should or should not be pursued.”

The IG report, released last month, concluded that McCabe made leaks to the media that were designed to combat the perception that he had a conflict of interest in overseeing dual FBI investigations related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including one related to the Clinton Foundation and another related to her use of a private email server.

McCabe’s disclosure recounted his version of a conversation with a DOJ official about the investigation, in which McCabe says he pushed back on concerns about FBI agents taking “overt steps” during the presidential campaign.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season. … The Justice Department official was ‘very pissed off,’ according to one person close to McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant.” read more

12 Comments on House GOP chair calls for investigation into FBI’s Clinton Foundation probe

  1. Oh, this is good news, another frickin investigation. How long does this need to run before the statute of limitations runs out on these perps? Patient people are losing their patience! I’m one of them!

  2. The entire administration was corrupt. Complicit RINOs were corrupt. Remaining holdovers are corrupt. Everybody knows it.

    And still, no perp walks.


  3. DOJ needed to be asked to reopen a failed partisan investigation on Hillary’s unlawful activities?

    They needed to be asked?

    Any body seen Sessions lately?
    The old adage, “let sleeping dogs lie” may be into play.

  4. is it just me or is this getting silly ?

    investigations of investigations of crimes committed by the deep state ?

    how many more layers before we get the ropes out ?

  5. Not only will nothing happen to the obamanauts, clintonoids, and by extension, the Scherfs, er Bush’s, but a “distraction” would occur if that went forward. remember all the missing tac nukes from ’91? Yeah, they’re buried here on our soil.

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