Hank Johnson fundraises off attacking Diamond and Silk in hearing — for making money – IOTW Report

Hank Johnson fundraises off attacking Diamond and Silk in hearing — for making money

American Mirror- When the hilarious duo Diamond and Silk testified before lawmakers in Washington, D.C. last week about Facebook censoring conservative speech, Georgia Democrat Hank Johnson criticized the women for supposedly making money off of supporting President Trump.

Now, Johnson is raising money off of Diamond and Silk.

“Congressman Hank Johnson here. Friends, I need your help. I am under attack!” Johnson wrote in a recent email. “Trump Internet starts Diamond and Silk, along with their vast network of financial and media supporters, are coming out of the woodwork to destroy my reputation and defeat me at the polls.  MORE

17 Comments on Hank Johnson fundraises off attacking Diamond and Silk in hearing — for making money

  1. Hank Johnson often forgets to breath and has a shocker to remind him.
    Diamond and Silks videos are demonetized as are most conservative videos.
    People once made a good living off of videos, but now can’t put in the time because of the Adpocolips instituted by You Tube. The good Videos are drying up because the creators are forced to work outside the home.

  2. Johnson is representative of many who represent us in Government from the school board, township, county, State and all the way to Washington D.C.

    Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

    What government has become and who we are represented by would be unrecognizable by Ben Franklin. He would have tears in his eyes.

  3. Hank Johnson is unfit to be in the House. Tex, were it not for the fact that he’s a politician, elected by idiots, and has been on the public teat most of his life, Johnson would be living in a cardboard box in Guam.

  4. The common DNA with Maxine Waters is strong with this nut job.
    They must have several common ancestors.

    Ya can’t be this deserving of a trip to the bowl of stupid from the DNA passed down from only one dumbazz great great grandmama or grandpa.

  5. In a sense this is reverse pimpdom in action, if only the girls got their cut.
    He tried to slime D & S for “makin’ a ton of money” off the Trump Train, and in the same breath telling them how much he admired them.
    Having had his nads slammed down his throat by Diamond, he displayed a glimmer of awareness and shut up. “I yield mah time Mista Chairman”.

  6. CATO

    I was for 13 years an “A” student in History.

    When on tour with Jefferson; Franklin was by far the most ardent supporter of 2A. (Jeff BTW paid out of his own money!) He said” Tom is a little nebulous in saying we need weapons to protect us from tyrants. Let me be specific. The government has cannon. Citizens need cannons to deter dictators!”!

    A Tory reporter questioned the President on his feelings.b

    “Your Excellency, Dr. Franklin says Americans should be able to own cannon! What do you thing?”


    Washington’s reply, (And of course I am in complete agreement! And so was Ronnie!)

    “A WELL ARMED MAN IS A CITIZEN, —- AN UNARMED MAN IS A SUBJECT (Today it would be serf or peasant)”

    There is a very good reason the Bolsheviks infiltrated the teachers’s unions 90 years ago. How many history class cover how Washington felt about 2A.
    Having been a student in Philly and Arlington 70 years ago I know first hand None. In Cal the John Birch society fought the Bolsheviks to a standstill till Pat – Jerry;s Dad. My cousins all knew what Franklin + George said; but none of my classmate in the East knew.


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