The DNC Wants A Refund From Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

The DNC Wants A Refund From Hillary Clinton

DC: The Democrats want a refund from Hillary Clinton — and they want her to go away, too.

Apparently, Clinton is still cashing in off her failed 2016 campaign.

Instead of just donating her campaign email list to the Democratic National Committee, her organization Onward Together is charging the DNC $1.6 Million for access to it. Even Barack Obama gave his email list to the DNC as an in-kind contribution back in 2015, and his list was valued at $1.9 million!  more here

16 Comments on The DNC Wants A Refund From Hillary Clinton

  1. Since the DNC made sure Hillary won the democrat primary through lies, fraud and corruption, the least Queen Hillary can do is give them her e-mail list which is made up of 30% fictitious e-mail addresses.


    The DNC could buy the list from the Russians for a lot less.

  2. It’s a clean list too…
    It’s been buffed, like with a cloth.
    She could double the price.
    Why does the DNC need it?
    Mainstream Media says the November election is already over. A tidal wave NBC states.


    Walmart rules: No Receipt, No Refund
    too bad, so sad

  3. What do you expect from a woman whose foundation only used less than 5% of the donations received for actual charity work. Call it charity fraud.

    Earlier in life she took tax deductions for Bill’s used underwear donated to some charity like Goodwill.

    And let’s not forget, she tried stealing furniture and china when they left the White House, and then set up a gift registry at a department store to furnish their first home

  4. A hint to the DNC;

    Ask to use her bathroom. The list is on the computer in the closet with the towels and unused toilet paper. The password is password. Hope this helps.


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