LSM Reports: The Great Missing French Oak Caper! – IOTW Report

LSM Reports: The Great Missing French Oak Caper!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:
If Only the Media Were As Zealous About Finding Hillary’s 33,00 Missing Emails.
Americans and French citizens can now breathe a sigh of relief. Soon after major network investigation units swung into action, the riveting mystery of the missing French oak tree planted by President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron on the White House lawn has been solved.
Something of a mystery had taken root at the White House when a media Lieutenant Columbo type noticed the oak tree sapling went missing. Rumors swirled after a picture posted by Reuters photographer Yuri Gripas appeared to show a bare spot on the South Lawn of the White House where the tree had previously stood. The media jumped into action and were hot on the case. MORE

7 Comments on LSM Reports: The Great Missing French Oak Caper!

  1. The Tree will come back in worse shape after even a day with the Plant guy’s and Gal’s at the Ag Department, they are probably checking it for infected Macaroons !

  2. I have this George Washington /Cherry Tree /Cannot tell a Lie

    joke intermingling with this story…But cannot pull it off

    I blame the alcohol…and the fact that I had to help move a

    sailbote(shudders) Today..Plus I watched a Liam Neeson Movie

    ( I would say crappy Liam Neeson Movie…but that’s redundant)


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