And She’s Tellin’ You, She’s Not Goin’! – IOTW Report

And She’s Tellin’ You, She’s Not Goin’!


American Thinker– Nancy Pelosi digs in and vows to never leave.

Despite her unpopularity and her advanced age, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi is vowing to cling to power as House speaker ahead of what she thinks will be a great blue wave this coming November.

According to Fox News:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is bucking calls from within her party to step down as the chamber’s top Democrat, announcing Tuesday her intention to run for speaker.

Pelosi told The Boston Globe that she’s “confident” Democrats will regain control of the House in November under her leadership.

“We will win.  I will run for speaker.  I feel confident about it.  And my members do, too,” Pelosi said, noting she believes it’s critical that women are represented in U.S. political leadership.

Ah, yes – she’s a woman, so everyone will be thrilled to vote for her.  more here

20 Comments on And She’s Tellin’ You, She’s Not Goin’!

  1. She prefers to struck down rather than step down. That clock ticks louder every day, she is a Jack Ass for life. She prefers to be flushed in DC rather than Frisco.

  2. I despise her, and the picture of her walking up to the house with the monster gavel shows the arrogance of this evil bint. But the dems did terrible under her leadership and were ousted from the house.
    I hope she is the voice of the loser dems for the next 100 years, may she lead them into oblivion.

  3. Good for her!
    Steny Hoyer must have eaten his tongue by now.

    I think she’s the perfect flag-bearer for the Demonrat brand of socialism.
    I wish the LSM would run her 30 hours a day.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ” noting she believes it’s critical that women are represented in U.S. political leadership.”
    That worked out well for your pal Hillary in 2016.
    Will you go on a ‘blame everything else’ tour, also?

  5. Let her keep talking. Please. And Kamala Harris and the rest of the California crazies too. We need them to scare the shit out of the rest of the country with their unhinged rantings. And Hillary. Don’t forget Hillary. Put them all in front of a microphone as much as possible.

  6. A few years back they named a street for her here in in Little Italy, Baltimore, where she grew up, January 06, 2007. The video was precious , Her Grandson was licking a handrail and then gave G’Mom a great big lip kiss,,, no need to wonder where the crazy comes from,,,Her Daddy Tommy was one of the biggest locally pocket lining crooks ever,,Helped paid for her Catholic school and Planned Parenthood stance,,

  7. San Francisco voters keep sending her to DC because Frisco already has their fair share of mentally challenged leftists. She’s got millions and is not happy, still wants more. What good is all that money if you’ve lost your mind?

  8. I do not think Nancy can keep what little mental ability she has long enough to be Speaker even if the worst happens and dems win the house.

  9. Pelosi is the senile old aunt that everyone has… the one that won’t leave home and go into assisted living… the one that leaves food on the stove and burns down the neighborhood.

    Love and kisses, Nancy!

  10. There is no shortage of crazy leftists in California – the next one to contend with is Gavin Newsome, the Nuisance, former mayor of San Franfreako, running for governor.


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