Backlog of immigration court cases reaches 1 million – IOTW Report

Backlog of immigration court cases reaches 1 million

American Thinker-

The director of the office responsible for judicial review of immigration cases says there is now a backlog of more than a million court cases and that there are almost 700,000 delayed deportation actions.

Washington Examiner:

James McHenry, the director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which handles immigration cases, said Tuesday that the backlog of active cases is over 692,000 and that the courts have an additional 330,000 cases that have been put into “administrative closure,” but that are still before the courts.

“It would be in addition to those (690,000) cases,” he said at a newsmaker event hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies.  “There is the possibility of additional cases,” he added.

Even with hiring new judges, the backlog will take years to clear, he added.

The office has 334 judges around the nation and Congress has authorized a total corps of 484.  President Trump has sought a total of 700.

McHenry, named the director by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has moved to hire judges and streamline the process of handling with the backlog.  It’s an uphill fight, he revealed, since it can take up to a year to hire a judge and because the court system still uses paper.  He has speeded the hiring some and has announced a pilot program to begin shifting from paper to digital files.

The backlog of cases jumped under former President Obama as did the backlog of deportations, which is 684,583.

Unbelievable that in the year 2018, they are still using some 19th-century procedures.  more

7 Comments on Backlog of immigration court cases reaches 1 million

  1. in 2018 they are STILL using paper?

    I got news for you because most if not all businesses are STILL using paper as a back-up because computers SUCK!

    They breakdown all the time, have compatibility issues even more often because of inaction by our very own grubbermint in NOT forcing standardization among ALL competitors, are easily hackable and wide open to criminals from a zillion miles away, and worst of all, giant corporations make a killing from ALWAYS pushing the next great model without working all the bugs out of their product and then release it on an unsuspecting public for them to do the companies troubleshooting for them.

    This is what happens when giant corporations are allowed to run the grubbermint though bribes from their masters and lobbyists.

  2. We ought to start microchipping them and issue every street cop a reader.Have the cops wand everybody at every stop. Only illegals have chips.
    Don’t show up for your court date and get stopped, instant deportation.
    No hearing, no whining about your dozens of Ninos without their papa.

  3. how long should a court case last when the outcome is “go home” ?

    the cases should all be able to be heard in minutes and the outcome just as quick to come, dissipating the back log.

    we bring this upon ourselves with our stupid sense of compassion.

  4. So a million out of the 35 million illegals get instant deportations. My solution is that nobody else can come in until the backlog is cleared – I guarantee the dems would INSTANTLY make sure there were enough courts and personnel to get that ole slowdown eliminated.


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