Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm to ‘Advise’ on Anti-Conservative Bias – IOTW Report

Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm to ‘Advise’ on Anti-Conservative Bias

Geller Report– Eric Holder? An-alt left ideologue? The man who weaponized the DoJ in the cause of the hard left is going to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives?

Is Zuckerberg capable of hiring a conservative, let alone of recognizing bias against conservatives? My Facebook page with one million followers is banned from those very followers. And I am hardly alone. This has been going on since the election of Donald J Trump.

We need anti-trust legislation and we need it now. It’s war. People do not understand what is at stake and what they have lost. Social media is the public square and our First Amendment rights should be first and foremost. Either we go quietly into the cold, dark night or we go to war. read more

14 Comments on Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm to ‘Advise’ on Anti-Conservative Bias

  1. “Is this not patently obvious to everyone???”

    I’ve wondered this so many times over the decades with all things left.

    They’re either stupid, evil, or stupevil.

  2. facebook, is that still around ?

    after all the information coming out about them who still belongs to such a incredibly inane site ?

    I would have thought they would have gone the way of buggy whips and dinosaurs by now.

  3. A great big, in your face, “Fuck You” from Smuckerberg to all conservatives, for having the audacity to drag him before congress. “Don’t you know who I am?”

  4. “Is this not patently obvious to everyone???”

    The point of this article is this: “We need anti-trust legislation and we need it now. … Social media is the public square and our First Amendment rights should be first and foremost.”

    I’m going to contact my Rep to ask him to get this going.

    I would contact my Senators, but they are useless Ds and want the Conservative message to be squashed.

  5. yet, so many idiots still bury their noses in Fakebook every waking minute they can …. ouuuuh, the Nimrods are eating out at Chason’s; look at that veggie plate they just posted! … our little Clarabelle just graduated pre-K & was at the top of her class in pulling up her Underoos! …. gee, I wonder why all my ex-boyfriends from high school don’t be-friend me when I stalk them?

    … get off the ZuckfuckFest & get a life people!


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